XVIII. Forever?

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It had almost seemed impossible to fit two people on that small cot—especially with a man of Kylo's size. But, somehow, the two of you made it work. Lying completely bare on top of him, cuddled up against his chest as his arms wrapped around your waist, the blanket covered the two of you. Although the blanket was too thin, the heat being radiated off of Kylo's body seemed to have warmed you up.

Fluttering your eyes open, you were only presented to a vast terrain of sand. Narrowing your eyebrows, you slowly sat up, heat causing your form to sweat as the light wind made your loose hair to gently flow with it. Unsure as to where you were or how you ended up there, you stood up, eyeing your surroundings and seeing nothing but sand dunes everywhere.

Using your hand as a visor, your eyes squinted. It didn't help that there had been a pair of suns shining down on you as they were high in the sky.

Fanning yourself, your attention turned to the outfit you were in—it almost looked as if you had been in Jedi attire. It was more of a dress in a beige color, boots covering up your feet and just under your knees. Since when were you in that? And since when did you keep your hair down?

Feeling a sudden tug in the Force, your eyebrows narrowed. "Follow the pull..." A voice softly spoke as if coming from the sky.

Looking up, and then around you, you instantly turned around. "That way." It spoke again, you gulping.

Feeling the Force guide you in the direction you had now been facing in, you slowly began to walk. "You feel it, it calls to you." Blinking as you quickened up your pace, a sudden wave of anticipation had hit you.

"Let your feet guide you. Go, run. Not much time is left." Sprinting now, you followed your instincts. Wherever it was taking you was wherever the voice wanted you to go.

"Close... you can feel it, can you?" Lightly panting as you ran across the sandy plain, you nodded. Somehow, for some odd reason, you could feel whatever it was they wanted you to feel. You weren't sure what it was, but it called to you like a magnet. Whatever it may be, it felt as if you were destined to have it.

"The object you seek is not too far off. Follow the Force and it will take you there." Continuing your run, you slowed down your pace as a sunstone hut came into view.

"Quickly, child, you've not got much time." The voice spoke rather desperately, you jogging over. Whatever you were searching for, it was in there.

You could feel it, as if the Force had been ringing in your ears like white noise. It made your skin crawl. What was it that made your emotions run all over the place? "Hurry! The galaxy depends on you..." About to make it towards the entrance, you suddenly fell through what felt like quicksand... or, what was actually a hole in the ground.

Gasping as you were free falling, you suddenly landed on a metallic ground, a bland hallway brightly lit now in your view. Sitting up, you slowly stood up and looked either way. Where had the voice gone to guide you? And why was there no longer a tug in the Force?

Gulping as you suddenly felt uneasy, body growing tense as your fists clenched at your sides, you looked over to your right as you sensed despair.

Carefully walking as if the ground beneath you could shatter in any given second, your heart began to race, loudly pounding against your ears. What happened? Why were you now feeling a sense of fear rather than determination?

Feeling as if the hall was never ending, you came to a stop as a pair of doors came to view... much like the doors to the training room on the Finalizer.

Furrowing your eyebrows, you hesitantly lifted a hand up, resting it on the metal and instantly shivering. Nothing good was being felt from within there, almost as if the vibe it gave off was rather... dreadful. The sudden feeling of your stomach turning didn't make you feel any better.

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