XVII. Can't Hold Back

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Looking over to the doorway as you gulped, your arms slowly unwrapped themselves from being around Kylo's neck, heart skipping a beat as you could sense the glum aura the man exerted. Sensing your uneasiness, Kylo let out a small breath, eyeing you as you sat still on his lap. Why was it that every time something good was happening between you two, an outside Force had to take it away from him. "He won't do anything." Kylo assured. "He's just arrived, he won't find us."

Slowly nodding your head, Kylo removed his hand from your back as he gently got a hold of your chin, turning your attention towards him. "Trust..." Taking in a deep breath, Kylo corrected himself., "Believe me, he won't do anything to you, I won't let him." Nodding once again as you quietly swallowed the small lump in your throat, Kylo kissed your forehead.

"What do we do? What if he sees that I'm living in your room?" You frantically asked, looking at Kylo with a concerned expression.

"He won't, it isn't like Snoke is curious as to where I live. If anything, I'll show him the small room I said you'd be 'staying' in," he said with a nod as you took in a deep breath.

"How long is he going to be here? He can't possibly find out that we're training under the ways of the light..." You muttered as Kylo clenched his jaw. "There's a chance he will be watching us..."

"If that's the case then I will show you the ways of the dark side... act as if you are doing as I say, but completely wipe it from your memory. I don't want any bit of the dark side in you, I promised to train you under the light and that's what I'm going to do," he said as you nodded once more.

Eyeing him as you could easily tell—and sense—how concerned he was with your well being, your hear ached. Although you were still a bit worked up from what happened with the whole kidnapping by his own knights, you slowly found yourself getting over it. Kylo was doing everything in his power to make sure that you were untouched by the dark side, even if it was extremely risky for him to do.

Still, you couldn't seem to understand why Kylo Ren's heart—out of all people's hearts in the galaxy—decided you were the one. You knew very well love was not something the man felt on the daily, let alone, at all (not with his life) so it was hard to say he was lying about his feelings. The things he did to you and for you were only something someone who truly cared about you would do. Someone who actually put someone else before themself.

And you knew, eventually (if not soon), you were going to have to do the same. Because, as much as you refused to admit it to yourself, you had found yourself growing to love the man. But were you ever going to admit it?

At the moment, it seemed highly unlikely, now that you were his apprentice and was going to be supervised under Snoke's watch... let alone, were you even ready to confess such thing?

Sure, you've had past relationships, but what you felt for them was nothing compared to what you felt for Kylo. Although you claimed he had gotten on your nerves, annoyed the hell out of you for always swooping in and saving the day, let alone, constantly caring for you...you appreciated it all.  In the end, the feelings he made you feel wasn't something any of your friends could give you.

Feeling your heart swell up as all your emotions decided to attack you all at once as you simply gazed at his face, your breathing suddenly became erratic. It was like the Force was taunting you for taking too long to admit to your real feelings.

Leaning in and giving his cheek a kiss, Kylo instantly blushed. "Thank you... for everything." At that, you stood up and out of the small pool, grabbing your clothes and quickly pulling them on.  Feeling his heart skip a beat as Kylo had watched you get out of the pool, he shifted his eyes away as his cheeks burned even more. He had never seen a woman completely in the nude, and he wasn't just about to take advantage right now (even though, deep down inside, he really wanted to).

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