XIII. Can You Stay?

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It had been a little over half a day since your incident, you still lying unconscious on the cot as Kylo had took time from his work to visit you here and there in case you had woken up.

At first, he did it with the thought of scolding you the moment you'd slip back into consciousness, telling you how stubborn and selfish you were being; but then he realized how cruel and heartless that must've seemed, and at the moment, he really couldn't act such way especially after the argument. So he decided he'd be by your side the moment you had awakened just to see if you were okay. Although he couldn't be by your side the whole day, he made sure almost everyone in the med bay would notify him the moment you were snapping back to reality.

Of course, Kylo had grown impatient as the day went by. After moving your stuff into his living quarters, he had decided he'd tend to his own matters that were needed for the day, trying to keep his mind off of you as he couldn't seem more concerned than he actually was; which was difficult seeing as you were consuming about ninety percent of his thoughts—he just didn't want people to realize you had taken over his mind.

Feeling himself become more and more impatient as he had grown agitated, he made his way back to the med bay where nearly everyone deserted from each time he had entered the wing. Walking over to where you had been staying in, he nearly startled the nurses. "She needs to be moved," he simply demanded as the nurses exchanged looks.

"M— Moved? But she is perfectly fine in this ro—"

"She needs to be moved to my living quarters, I can not possibly keep coming back and forth to make sure she hasn't woken up yet," he stated. "You will move her to my quarters immediately. Do we have an understanding?" Seeing the nurses nod, Kylo aimed for the door. "I will expect her to be there in half an hour, no more." At that he walked out as the nurses quickly moved around.

In a matter of fifteen minutes they rushed almost everything out of the room you were in and to Kylo's bedroom, Kylo coming back to his quarters to see the nurses in there checking up on you as you lied on his bed. "Commander, sir, seeing as we are no longer in the med bay we shall be visiting once every hour. If anything seems wrong or a bit off, please contact us." Bowing their heads, they walked off and left Kylo with your unconscious body.

Looking over and making sure they all had gone, Kylo let out a shaky breath as he removed his helmet, eyes puffy from crying as the tears pooled up again. Placing his helmet down on one of the nightstands, Kylo moved over to where you had been lying on the bed and knelt at your side, gently holding your hand and lying his forehead against it. "I'm sorry..." Shaking his head, Kylo looked over to you and clenched his jaw. "I should have never taken you in the first time... maybe then you wouldn't be in this position and wouldn't hate me." Letting go of your hand and rubbing his palms against his eyes, Kylo fell back and leaned against the wall.

For hours he had found himself sitting there, not even bothering to get up and do the things he needed to, he didn't want to leave your side... it was the least he could do—that is until he heard a knock on the main door of his personal quarters.

Standing up and heading out of his room, he aimed to the main door as you had found yourself slipping back into consciousness. Gently flexing your fingers as your eyebrows furrowed, you groaned the slightest as your eyes fluttered open. Feeling completely out of it, your eyes focused on the ceiling, only to trail around as you slowly sat up, noticing the monitors surrounding you—what happened to you? You could barely remember anything, only the fact that you possibly had fainted, after that, everything went black.

Were you in the medical area? Looking at your surroundings, you could tell it wasn't a med wing... nor was it the room you had been staying in. Confusion took over you, that is until your head turned to the right of you as you recognized the helmet sitting on the nightstand; had you been in Kylo's bedroom? If you were, where was he?

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