XX. Afraid

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Piloting wasn't your greatest talent, your flying skills weren't up to par, but you were still able to do it. Although you tried focusing on what Poe had taught you, a part of you was too anxious, anticipating your journey as you had been traveling to Tatooine. Hearing the ringing in your ears grow louder and louder the closer you got to the desert planet, you suddenly lost control.

It didn't help that there was a million things on the back of your mind, let alone, your senses were all over the place. If it wasn't the voice, it was Kylo trying to reach out to you, and if it wasn't Kylo then it was the Force trying to guide you... and if it wasn't that, it was you trying to focus on your piloting. But, somehow, everything became too much and overloaded you.

Not quick enough to recover or save yourself, the ship crash landed on the sandy terrain after breaking through the atmosphere. Lucky for you, you were still breathing; but, it was quite the disaster. Although the ship wasn't destroyed, it was completely shut down and creaked while releasing fumes.

Coughing as you groaned, glad that at least the ship wasn't in a bad enough state where you couldn't move or exit it, you slowly stood up. "Dammit..." You coughed again, letting out a groan as you rubbed your forehead, trudging out.

Exiting the ship and taking in a deep breath, hunching forward as your body slightly ached, you sighed. Standing up straight, you nearly jumped at the sound of the ship making a rather loud noise. Quickly moving to a side, you looked at the ship, seeing a part of it cave in. Staring at it, wide eyed as you blinked, you stood still. Good thing you had gotten out the moment you had.

"It wasn't even that bad of a landing..." Shaking your head, you turned away from the disgruntled ship.

Being instantly greeted by the blinding double suns, you lifted your hand up and used it as a visor, feeling the heat instantly emit on to you. This was exactly where you were meant to be. From the dreams, you knew for a fact you had to go to Tatooine. "You are not too far out, follow the Force as it guides you."

Hearing the voice, you took in a deep breath, beginning your journey.

The heat was strong, the lack of hydration didn't help when you were practically boiling under the binary stars. With every step you took, you removed an article of clothing. Starting from your cloak, to your first layer, all the way down to your last. By now, you were just in your boats, leggings, and undershirt.

Pulling your hair back into a braid as you panted, following the Force, you continuously saw nothing but sand. How long was this going to be for?

You were growing exhausted, it felt like it had been hours since you first landed and your body was growing weak. You needed water and you needed shelter, your skin felt like it was about to melt off and you wanted to just dip your body into a tub of cold water.

As the heat grew stronger and you grew more and more tired, your doubt began to haunt you. How was it that you were the chosen one? Why was it that you had to go on this journey? Were you even worthy enough? You had only recently found out about your abilities, shouldn't someone like Rey who's had time on her belt be the one?

Why was it calling to you? Why did the Force choose you? And why was the voice so persistent you get it done?

Feeling your pace become slower and slower as your legs were giving out, you took in heavy breaths. "How much further... can I possibly go?" You breathed, rubbing your face.

"You will soon find it, believe me."

"I can't do this... I can't keep on..." You shook your head, stopping in your tracks.

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