XVI. Join Me?

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It had been a few days since you first landed on the icy moon you still hadn't learned the name of—something Kylo wouldn't confine in you for a reason you didn't even bother asking. It wasn't like you had anyone to tell it to or signal to someone that that's where you were. But, at this point, you couldn't care less... at least you were no longer on the Finalizer surrounded by incompetent Order fools.

"You're contemplating..." You spoke up, breaking the silence that had hovered over the two of you. "What is it?" Peeking an eye, you only opened both as you sat across from Kylo.


"Kylo." You called in a warning tone, the man sighing as he opened his eyes.

"I've decided that we begin lightsaber training." Raising your eyebrows, a small grin grew on your lips.

"Finally, it's about damn time you put me up for a real fight." You stood up as Kylo raised an eyebrow, looking up at you.

"I hope you know it's just sticks, not real lightsabers," Kylo informed, causing you to sigh as you were well aware of the fact, seeing as you didn't have your own glowing sword.

"I am aware of such atrocities... but I am glad we are finally getting somewhere." Crossing your arms as Kylo stood up, he narrowed his eyes.

"Finally? We began training with the Force not too long ago," Kylo reminded as you rolled your eyes.

"I am aware of that as well, clearly, but we haven't done much and pretend fighting with fake sabers is exciting, alright?" You shrugged as you unfolded your arms, Kylo rubbing his forehead before turning on his heel and walking off. "Where are y—"

"Come with me," he nudged his head, you taking in a breath before following behind. Coming to a stop in front of a small cabinet as Kylo had lazily opened it with the Force, he pointed a hand, "pick one."

"Pick one?" Eyeing the sticks that all practically looked the same, you moved closer. "Hmm... double sticks or double edged—"

"Why do you need to be so—"

"Have you not seen me on the field?" You looked over your shoulder, interrupting the man as you knew where the conversation was about to lead to. "I can fire a blaster in either hand, I'm pretty skillful, Ren. Don't doubt your apprentice." Waving a finger in the air, you turned your attention back to the cabinet. "I wish I could have both, one that attaches and detaches... a lightsaber in that form would be rather neat."

Crossing his arms and rolling his eyes as he waited for you to chose a stick, he walked over and grabbed his own, then picked one up and shoved it in front of you. "You're wasting time for a person who is eager to begin lightsaber training."

Holding onto the stick as Kylo had it pressed against your chest, you pouted the slightest. "I am eager it's just I couldn't decide."

"You don't even know how your lightsaber will be... if you ever gain one." Making his way back to the training ground as you followed shortly, you eyed the rather short stick.

"Kylo, this stick is too small," you stuck your arm out as he simply shrugged.

"Just use the damn stick," he nearly snapped as you raised your brows.

"Alright, master," you huffed, lifting your hands up in defense as Kylo's stomach turned. Kylo couldn't get used to the fact that he was your master now, it made him sick to the stomach. "Teach me your ways of how to perfectly twirl and attack with a lightsaber."

Looking over at you as you had teased, Kylo sighed. This was going to be a long session

Throughout training, you had realized Kylo's strength and endurance was increasing little by little, as if he were making the false battle between the two of you harder and harder. Noticing how much quicker and stealthier he had become with his movements, you picked up the pace. It wasn't the easiest thing you had gone through, actually, it was far more tough than you had imagined.

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