IX. Knights of Ren

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When you had asked when, you did not expect them to say 'now' the second you had questioned, and you definitely did not expect yourself to be racing with Rey already.

Being nervous was an understatement, you were racing against a Force user who had it natural in them to fly all sorts of spacecraft without an issue whereas for you, you had to learn through Poe's tips.

But things took a good turn for you, as if luck was by your side and the stars were in your favor—you were actually beating Rey.

At first, your doubt was getting the best of you, although you were quite competitive, there was no doubt a normal human being would win against a Force sensitive in a race. On the other hand, you were doing just fine—if not—better than Rey had and Poe and Finn weren't sure as to exactly what they had been watching because it almost seemed impossible to beat Rey.

"I— I..." Unable to form words, Poe stood there with his jaw hanging loose, Finn doing the same as he blinked. "I don't know what to say?"

"Me either..." Finn muttered, eyeing you and Rey make your way out of the spacecrafts. "That..."

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" Poe shouted, running over to you and lifting you up in a hug. "I knew my guidance would do you well!" Chuckling, you hugged him back as Rey placed her hands on her hips, a smirk playing on her lips.

"I've gotta say, I am impressed that you beat me... I don't know how or why, but that was pretty exceptional flying you did right there." With a nod of her head, Rey patted your shoulder.

"You actually beat Rey in a race? Okay, I'm ready for the impossible to happen, all of it, lay it on me..." Finn opened his arms as you and the other two laughed, Poe placing you down, ruffling with your hair as you gave him a toothy smile.

"You didn't take one for the team, but you did better," he winked as you nodded back. "I'm proud of you, captain!"

"Thank you, thank you. I am just as shocked as you all are... I can't believe it!" You cheered as the three of them clapped for you.

"I guess this means the only person I have left to race is you, Finn," Rey breathed as she shrugged.

"Hell no!" He swatted a hand as everyone laughed. "I am opting out on that one."

Wrapping your arms around Poe's and Rey's waist, the four of you walked back into the base, small talk being exchanged—you wouldn't change this for the world. Kylo was right, you had so much to live for, especially for those who loved you. But, still, the thought lingered in the back of your mind of your loneliness... you just had to remind yourself you had three great friends by your side right now who would do anything for you.

"Thanks you guys, you made my day a whole lot better," you smiled as the four of you approached your door. "But for now, I need sleep, I'm exhausted." Yawning, it was suddenly a domino effect, you chuckling as everyone shrugged at one another.

"Yeah, get some rest, we'll see you later," Poe hugged you, then Rey, then Finn.

"And don't sneak out on us, okay?" Rey pointed a finger as you rolled your eyes, ready to open your door.

"Can't promise you that," you teased, waving goodbye before walking into your quarters. You were dead tired and all you wanted to do was sleep and only sleep, but a part of you felt as if you had to speak to Kylo for an unexplainable reason.

And just like that, as if Kylo heard you, the holo-pad buzzed.

Walking over, you answered it, "He—"

"Are you okay?!" He instantly asked as your eyebrows narrowed.

"Yes, I am... Are you?" You chuckled at how straightforward he was.

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