X. Where Is She?

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There was nothing but heavy panting and feet hitting against the wet planets surface that sounded as the rain poured down rather hard. Running hand in hand, Kylo had been leading you away from somewhere, rushing quickly as if someone had been chasing the two of you. This was it, this was his great escape, this was his chance for freedom and you were there by his side to help him.

"Come on, we're not too far out!" Kylo called out to you, darting across the land, swerving past trees and jumping over fallen branches and exposed roots. "We can do this, they won't find us!"

"Kylo!" You called out. "This— This is impossible, it's worthless!"

Narrowing his eyebrows, Kylo shook his head. "Why? This is what we needed! This is the freedom we desire in order for us to be together!"

"B— But... Kylo, this isn't right!" Feeling you stop in your tracks, Kylo turned around.

"What... what do you mean this isn't right? This is what we need, this is what we need so I can love you the right way! So we can be happy!" Kylo exclaimed as you shook your head.

"No, Kylo, this isn't what we need. It's what you need." Blinking, Kylo held tightly onto your hand.

"We... We do need this, I can't go back there, not ever again... I just, I need to be free of this... pain and darkness!" Watching you shake your head, Kylo gulped. "Don't do this, don't have second thoughts, please—"

"This is not what I'm meant for, this isn't the path I'm meant to take," sliding your hand out of his hold, Kylo felt himself freeze up in his spot. "I'm sorry, but the light, I can no longer feel it."

"W— What, what do you mean?" Kylo nervously laughed, wanting to take a step forward but not being able to. "Please, please don't go, please stay with me..."

Shaking your head as you took another step back, two figures appeared from behind the darkness, Phasma and Hux standing at either side of you. "No..." Staring at Kylo as he felt his chest heave, the Knights of Ren then appeared, surrounding the three of you as Kylo watched. "Don't do this!"

"You have no say, Kylo Ren. You've disobeyed me and lied, you have fallen to the light and she... has fallen to the dark," stepping out of the darkness, Snoke stood behind you. "You are no longer worthy of the title commander and master of the Knights of Ren," Placing a hand on your shoulder, Snoke continued on, "she is."

"Please! Don't do this!" He exclaimed, wanting to rush over to you and pull you away but finding himself glued to the ground. "Don't listen to him! The darkness, it doesn't need you, it isn't where you belong!"

"I'm sorry, Kylo... but this is where I belong." Reaching a hand out, Kylo's lightsaber landed in your palm. "This is mine now." Walking over to him, Kylo fell to his knees as he looked up at you.

"Don't do this, this isn't you!"

"This is me," activating the lightsaber, you slashed it down, only for Kylo to shoot up in his bed from the sudden shock.

Rubbing his face, Kylo took in deep breaths, heart pounding against his chest as his sweat drenched his bare chest and forehead. For the past month or so, Kylo had been free of his night terrors, only dreaming of or about you and nothing but you—but after his meeting with Snoke, his fear took over.

His nightmare frightened him, most of the time his nightmares were about his past or fears, he hadn't had a single normal dream since stars knows when so when you had entered his life, that all changed. It was nothing but dreams about you, whether you were by his side, smiling at him and telling him everything's going to be okay, to even being his... it was all so calming. But then the revelation happened and Kylo's mind went dark once again.

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