Chapter 1: doctor hanji zoe

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A man named Levi Ackerman kneeled down by his toilet suffering from sickness, the past few weeks this was happening regularly and it was getting worse... It felt like he was dying and he needed help..

"Somethings wrong" the man panted with illness as he hauled himself up from the toilet and looked at himself in the mirror he saw his pale sickened face

"I need to see a doctor"

he quickly got dressed and walked out of the door and set off to the doctors it was only 10 minutes away, The man finally arrived and took a deep breath in and nervously walked upto to accountant to make an appointment... The cherry blond receptionist looked up at the ill looking teenager, as she was sat down making calls, she hand her phone to speak..

"It's a 15 minute wait sir... Will you be okay with that?"

Levi nodded and sighed hard "c..could I possibly have a glass of water?"
"Of cause, the toilet is also over there, if you need it" the sweet woman smiled and passed him a glass and continued to talk on the phone.

A few moments later Doctor Zoe came out to the waiting room and looked at her close friend Levi Ackerman.

"Levi! I haven't seen you in a while how are you?" She asked as she grabbed his arms and forced him to follow her to her room and offered the sick pale man a sit down....

"N..not good I think I have a sickness, these past couple of weeks I have been sick none stop is there anything you could do to stop it or at least help me out?" Levi's blood shot eyes and dried lips concerned her she stood staring at him with a thinking sort of expression on her face.

"Yes of course, Is it okay if i take some of your blood? Just incase" She asked as she got an injection out of her medical cuberd and tapped it twice with a flick of her finger.

"Do what you must shitty glasses" the man pull up his sleeve and held out his wrist.

"Hm that's strange it's not like you to have an illness for a couple of weeks, usually your manly body fights off the bad bacteria" she put the injection in the mans arm and sucked out some blood, she then pulled the injection out and put Levi's blood in a test tube.

The female doctor looked at Levi's blood and noticed something strange about the colour

"how have you been feeling lately? have you been feeling Angry? Upset? Depressed? Stressed? Lonely?" She sounded concerned

"I've just been feeling a little tired, sick and lonely that's all" he mumbled almost whispering as he glanced away.

"How have you been with sleeping?" The doctor asked

"I've been on and off all night and I keep waking up in the middle of the night with very bad achy pain"

"Mm that's strange" Hanji Zoe went to her medication cuberd and got some tablets out

"Here have these this should help you with your sickness, it's called
Glucose i think your body just needs a little sugar that's all" The brown haired female said as she passed Levi the medication

"Is there anything else you would want or need while your here? Also can you come back in a week at 10 in the morning to see your blood test results?" She asked politely

"I don't think so and thank you" he said tiredly getting to his feet almost forcing himself.

"Okay well....see you soon I hope you feel better In a weeks time" she said friendly the man Walked back home.

When he got home he took the tablets with not hesitation in hope they would make him feel better he then got in bed and fell to sleep.

A couple of hours later......he woke up it was 7:00 in the afternoon but unfortunately The day got worse for him the tablets didn't really help the sick man as he still had a horrendous bellyache and sickness when he woke up.

"Agh! I still feel rubbish" he sighed the man sat up in bed feeling very lonely and pulled his covers over his head to keep comfortable

why I am feeling so sick lately....he thought as he felt like he could just brake down and cry with the confusing illness.

The week afterwards:

To be continued...

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