Chapter 3: your pregnant!

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It was the next morning at 10'clock..... And Levi was slowly walking to the doctors to see doctor hanji Zoe, he was quite nervous because he didn't know what to expect Could it be that I have cancer? Could be that I am dying? Could it be that; I have to have something removed, from my body to prevent my death?

Levi's mind was running wild with crazy thoughts he had no idea what sort of information he was about to receive, the atmosphere around him was all silenced and turned into muffled conversations that the man wasn't able to hear... He took deep breaths to calm himself as he was overwhelmed by fear.

As Levi opened the door he was already welcomed by a strange looking hanji Zoe bouncing with excitement, her glasses shining as she tried to control her insane laughing cause "Get. in. my. room. now!" The crazy looking doctor squealed with joy as she clapped her hand together before grabbing Levi's hand and pulling him into her room aggressively, when they got there she slammed the door shut and turned around screaming:

"I have some fantastic news!"

Levi sat down uncomfortably and gave her a unreadable facial expression. The doctor looked at levi very seriously as she showed Him the blood in the test tube" you probably t..think I'm insane by saying this. are pregnant"

The man stared wide eyed and began to shake like Crazy, he didn't know how to react he was shocked for words, Levi Ackerman tuck a deep breath....He wasn't quite sure how he felt about being pregnant... "B....but..hanji that's impossible! a man cannot even get pregnant!"  He finally said his voice hushed with nerves.

"Levi I have been waiting for this to happen all my life!, I've always been wanting to prove to the whole world, that men can actually get pregnant! And now it has fanilly happend!..." She smiled at the man before her "Isn't that great!" the doctor said as she clapped her hands with joy, not looking at Levi's reaction to the whole situation,

Levi stared out of space feeling pretty shitty about the situation, he couldn't believe that he was going to become a mother in 9 months time when the baby was born..did he want that? To actually be admired and respected? his life would never be the same again.

After a while the doctor could tell that the man was feeling very unsettled and emotional about the information, with hesitation the doctor put her hands upon his shoulder to make him feel better "I know it's hard....but don't be nervous, Just imagine holding that cute little delicate baby In your arms once it's born and it just looking up into your eyes and doing a cheeky smile for the first time"

"I can't!" Levi's lips curved into a frown as his eyes became tearie "me? A mother? I can't... I don't know who the father is! I'm not even capable of raising a child" the man had broken down into tears in front of his friend....

"Well...-" she began to speak but the man tsk'ed with upset staring back at her tears rolling down his cheeks  "I WANT AN ABORTION!" The man weeped crying into his hands hard "that way me and the baby will both be happy"

"I can't let that happen Levi, your over 12 weeks pregnant and it's illegal... If you came to me earli-"

"DO IT! SHITTY GLASSES!" The man raged in anger getting to his feet, grabbing her clothes and hauling her up to his face, his eyes were terrified. Almost different from how he'd usallay look at her "please I can't do it!" He weeped...

"Go home, think about it Levi.... I promise you the idea of a child is always scary when it's so unexpected, but you'll grow to love it and the child will love you"

There was silence for a while... Just the odd sniffle from Levi as he breathes heavily with anger... God knows what both of them was thinking! But Levi lessened his grip "Fine..." The man let the doctor go and took a deep breath and managed to calmed down "I'm sorry hanji I j..just don't think I can do it" Levi sighed wiping his eyes with annoyance his hands trembling.  "Levi you can do it trust me, just believe in yourself" Hanji smiled as she put her hand on the mans shoulders reassuring him...

To be continued...

I'm pregnant? (Ereri/ riren mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now