Chapter 20: "A baby, to keep me"

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Levi walked into the kitchen still remaining silent as he filled up the kettle and began to boil it.

As he began to prepare Mika's milk, the baby began to stretch out his arms and yawn before making baby sounds, Levi smiled though half asleep as he filled up the bowl of the hot water and placed the bottle of milk within the bowl allowing it to warm slightly

As he waited Levi began to wonder around his house almost like it was an excuse to kill time.

As he ventured into the front room he noticed there was a picture of a baby scan on the floor near the window without a second thought he wondered over to it and assumed it was Mika's.

But he realised that the date on it was 4 years old and the name was scribbled out on top of this it looked battered and bruised

When the black haired teen looked back up he realised that the brown haired woman that his boyfriend invited for a sleep over was sleeping peacefully on the sofa

Levi started to become curious about the picture as he knew for sure that it wasn't his, causing his mind to run wild with thoughts, As he inhaled strongly before deciding to ask the brown haired woman to see if she recognised the picture

After a while of her tossing and turning and refusing to wake up she finally got up and she recognised the picture of what Levi was holding she clenched her fist while looking down at the floor trying to hold back her emotions but finding it difficult as she kept hearing the haunting memory's in her mind

"H...HE SAID...I'D HAVE TO GIVE HIM A BABY, TO KEEP HIM!" She raged as tears streamed down her face as she started to remember the pain she felt while still clenching her fist as she began to speak as the memory replayed in her head


"Hanji if you want to keep me and don't want to loose me then just conceive and have my child" the tall handsome man spoke while he looked at her intensely while standing near the door

"M Mike p...please can we try again? It isn't my fault that it didn't make it...." she spoke while chocking on her breathe as tears drenched her face

Of course she wanted to have a baby with him again but deep inside she started to think that something suspicious was going on because he always came back home to her late without a reason but she was to afraid to question it

"Hanji if you can't give me a baby then is there any point of this relationship..?

"W..why do you want a baby with me so much?..i don't see what I can do to make you feel more happy, aren't I enough?" She spoke while looking down at floor causing her to feel overwhelmed with the situation

"Hanji...I just want us to be happy again can't we try again? it won't fail this time" The man spoke in a serious tone

"B but...the doctors have told me that I have to wait until I fully heal" She spoke while starting to feel uncomfortable

"H...Hanji Well.. I'm going to be honest with you I feel like something is missing in our relationship there's no spark, is there even a future for us? I think if we had a baby together again it would all end and the spark will come back, all I've ever wanted is to become a farther I don't care who it's with, as long as they give me a child"

"We will try again..."

~end of flashback~

Levi sat beside her holding Mika but he stared at her with sad eyes and asked
"So..did you have another child..? Did he stay with you? I've not heard you talk about them before"

Hanji continued to speak "he left me for a younger short blonde haired woman who happened to be pregnant with his child the same time as i managed to get pregnant again, though this happened I still wanted his child but when it came to me giving birth again the baby was dead. It was still born"

To be continued...

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