Chapter 10: Are you telling the truth?

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Levi looked at Eren with a unreadable facial expression and let his cold hearted eyes stare at him  "EREN YOUR LYING TO ME!" He raged with a mean look on his face.

" Levi I'm not, I'm being serious it's our child..." Eren spoke while hesitatingly looking down to the ground kinda regretting about confessing right at this moment, Levi started to fill up with anger  " idiot!! Then why didn't you tell me from the start!! why are you telling me this now?" Levi asked with irritation

"Levi please calm down...I can explain..everything I swear! the reason why I lied was because I had only just met you 2 days ago and I didn't want to scare you parents work at the cafe to. There was no way I could of told you because they think I'm straight" the teen  spoke as he was feeling a little let down by his first crush, "I'm sorry but I don't believe you.. Look your only saying this because your developing a crush on me and you just want to help me in a more physical way but it's easy for you to make up a story about a guy who slept with a guy not realizing it could end in pregnancy! Eren it doesn't take a genius" he spat while Eren sat tearing up and breaking down covering his mouth trying to stop himself  "no that's not true Levi you have to believe me Please..." Eren spoke with a cracked tone in his voice letting his flooding eyes lock with Levi's "look at me!" He demanded!

"LEVI I SAID LOOK AT ME" he weeped grabbing the mans jacket with his shaking hand.. Levi slowly let his head turn to face the crying teenager "about 2 months back, it was my birthday...I..I made my way down to this club at the bottom of my road... I swear I only had about 2 pints of liquor before seeing you sat alone at the bar! My friends had vanished dancing on the dance floor; my drinking sort of turned into something to get rid of my pain... They left me to go sleep with some girls or something,  I stayed on purpose just trying to build my confidence to talk with you" Eren coughed tears pouring down his face "it was the first time I felt like this towards another man I hadn't gone to clubs before I was 18... But after I met with you that's when I started going more in hope id see you again but you never appeared!" Eren rubbed his forehead "that night ended with you falling unconscious  infront of me... Later you woke up... Things continued after that"

"Shut up" Levi growled turning his eyes away "I'm not saying I believe you but I will call my midwife to see if he can arrange a DNA test, nothing will happen between us until I know for sure that you are this little guys father" the man got to his feet and stretched "in the mean time you should definitely tell your parents your gay"

There was that silence again but that was soon broken as they heard high heel shoes clanking on the ground aggressively as a familiar voice called for Eren near the park...It was Carla she halted by the metal fence she was standing there looking at her son with a disgusted look on her face, the boy's father soon ran up to Carla both of them looking down on the teen.

"Eren what are you doing out here me and Grisha have been looking for you for the past 30 minutes you Shouldn't be outside, you should be inside the cafe working!" Carla spoke with a anger grisha nodding with agreement but stopping as he saw the teenager next to eren. Levi eyes winded but he just glanced away and remained silent in hope erens father didn't recognize him.

"S..sorry mum" Eren sighed as he fiddled with his fingers nervously "Listen Eren your 18 I get that but this is why you can't keep a job. you should be old enough now to understand that you shouldn't be out here You should be working! That was our agreement when I convinced your father to let you work with us.." She argued "Why are you even out here?" Grisha asked in a aggressive tone "I'm sorry but I need to tell you something" He said while getting off the swing and grasping Levi's arm pulling him out of the park. "Woah eren leave me out of thi-"

" my friend he's called
Levi the reason why I came out here was because I wanted to look after him he was in pain....he's the same lad that passed out yesterday it turns out he's suffering from depression and needs my help!" Eren lied and Levi yanked his arm away "we both know that's not the reason..."

"Fine i just wanted to spent some more time with him he's a cool guy... I'm sorry mom and I'm sorry dad I promise this won't happen again I swear down" eren begged and his parents looked at eachother then nodded "fine but if this happens again you'll be finding your own job" grisha snapped grabbed erens arm "we are going home now anyway so say goodbye to your Levi friend"

Jeez they treat him like a little kid Levi thought adverting his eyes... As they boy walked away.

To be continued..

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