Chapter 9: i should tell you a secret

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A/N: please read the chapter before as I have updated this twice today! Thank you :)

"Are you sure your alright? You look in pain?" Eren asked concerned resting his hand on the mans shoulder  "yeah don't worry i just have cramps" Levi said as he rubbed his belly "Well...Erm...Isn't that a good thing?"the teen replied his wide eyes staring at the man infront of him

"no not really... Not when I didn't want it in the first place and some brat got me in this condition, it would make it easier if I had someone beside me helping me trough it.. But I can't remember who the father is and there's no way of finding him"

Eren looked at Levi and scratched his head and blushed volitely....Eren got a chair and sat next to him his head resting on his hand...

"It's a shame I cannot help you What I mean by that is like friends you know" The teenager whispered turning bright red and covering his face with embarrassment, Levi grasped the boys hands from his face and lightly kept hold of them with the palm of his hand.. keeping his hands away from his face as he stared into erens youthful eyes "If you want to help me out you wouldn't be rejected"

"As friends?" Eren asked with a hint of emphasis and he held onto Levi's hand to "Because there's something about you which makes me say I wouldn't mind being the child's father when's it's born" The teenager spoke as he itched closer to the man staring at his lips

Levi stared into erens eyes and realized the teenager was staring at his lips..with shock he jolted back turning his head to the left and moved away in his chair uncomfortably. Eren froze as he  moved away realizing what he was trying to do "I'm sorry.. I got carried away for a moment-"

"It's not that..., I was just surprised.. You know nothing about me not even my age and your already asking this? And trying to kiss me?" Levi leaned back in his chair rubbing his eyes with annoyance.

"I kinda have a secret I wanna share with you but this isn't rellay the right place to tell you.. Would you like to come to the park with me?" The brown haired teenager asked as he blushed volitely "sure..I'm up for it"

Eren and Levi quickly walked out of the cafe without Carla or grisha knowing they have gone! and walked to the park together there was silence between the 2 of them, all they could hear was the wind breezing trough their hair and other teenagers and family's smiling and laughing.. As they enjoyed the winter sun.
They walked into the actual park and Levi noticed something strangely familiar making him gasped with shock.

"Tsk...Eren I swear I saw this park in one of my dreams" he spoke as he was looking around, he saw a bench and ended up daydreaming while he remembered parts of his dream... Eren smirked and let his eyes wonder over to the man he was with and ended up staring without realizing! His heart sped up and he couldn't help but smile at the daydreaming Man. He then realized he was staring and snapped his eyes away nervously "Hey Levi Would you like to sit down on that swing over there?" Eren asked as he pointed to the swing right at the bottom of the park and Levi nodded his head... Finally coming out of his daydream.

As Levi sat down on swing The teen looked down with discomfort.

"Look Levi I know this is going to sound crazy but do you know when I told you about just us being friends when the baby comes? well.....I think I'm developing a crush on you, there's
just something about you I really like" the boy began to cry slightly as he rocked himself on the swing...

"Truthfully... I wouldn't usually be interested in boys, but I do remember one night at this club I met a man that took my breath away... I fell for him! And I mean I fell really hard because it wasn't like I wanted to take him home... I just wanted to stay at the club and speak with him, the only reason why I went home with him was because I wanted to spend more time with him and well.... You can guess what happened..."

There was silence between the two of them as Levi listened to the boy.

"I remember him and I've been lying to you" eren began to cry as he covered his eyes "the man told me... He hadn't been to a club before and this was all new to him... He told me that he's never took someone home nor has he ever seen someone like me before-"

"Your just making this up?" Levi sighed "your lying to me eren..." He glanced away "because I remember telling someone those things"

"What I'm saying Levi... Is I think it's highly likely I'm the father to your baby" eren broke down and cried "I'm...r..really sorry"

To be continued...

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