Chapter 18: I Will Look After you

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"You made me so worried about you little guy" Levi spoke in a hushed voice while still holding his baby boy who couldn't believe that he was holding

he kissed the babys forehead while crying with happiness he then wrapped some clothes around the child to keep him warm

"Are you feeling better?" Eren asked in a postive tone while sitting on the hosptial bed next to the black haired teen resting his head on his shoulder

"I guess, im still in pain. the bleeding has stopped now" Levi spoke in a extaused tone while looking up at the cieling trying to forget the sharp pain in his hip

Hanji Zoe reached into her beast pocket to give the black haired teen some speciel medication to stop the pain in his hip while doing so she grasped Mika in her arms and cradled him

1 hour pasted by...

The medication started to kick in and Levi started to feel better, but even though the bleeding had stopped the brown haired teen still wanted to help his partner while walking to the amblance which was going to give a lift back to their house, he knew that the black haired teens bones would still be weak and that it would be natural for Levi to be feeling exhausted

Levi climbed and wrapped his legs around eren's hips before proceeding to move onwards they saw a load of people shouting their name while walking towards the amblance they all held professional camera's following them close behind

From fear hanji Zoe covered small Mika's face with her hand to protect him from the flashes and camera's whitch surrounded him

A swoum of people shouted unanswerable questions causing eren to narrow his eyes with disgust as hanji agured back saying "leave them alone they dont need to answer your stupid questions!"

"oh why is that secretly your child hanji!" the crowd cheered in a agressive tone while laughing evily

"SHUT UP! J..JUST SHUT UP, YOU GUYS KNOW NOTHING SO JUST SHUT UP!" Hanji raged while tears streamed down her face as she started to have flashbacks of bad memories which was diffcult to explain

"Such a cry baby" the crowd muttered under their breathe as they walked away giving up on asking questions

There was awquered selience while waiting for the amblance, it was eerie and uncomforable, all they could hear was the breezy wind in the distance and leaves slowly falling off the trees causing all there minds to run wild

Deep inside eren and Levi was still filling up with disgust of what the crowd was saying, but then starting to fill up with worry about their childs future they both wanted Mika to have a normal life with no stress, but they both knew the media might start putting alot of pressure on their child as Mika grows older and then start brainwashing him with unanswerable questions, Eren's mind started to run wild with thoughts

What happens if Mika starts getting bullied because he's a famous baby?...

What if he starts getting stressed out?

What if the media start saying confuseing and hurtful stuff to Mika?

"L..levi im worried about our childs future" the brown haired teen spoke in a shaky tone while stareing out into the distance watching the world go by

"Listen kiddo i wont let the media say anything to our child" the black haired teen spoke while trying to sound postive but deep inside having a bad feeling about the media too

Hanji started to fill up with gulit as she knew that she made eren and Levi feel uncomforable and stressed

"Im..s sorry i know i made you guys uncomforable.. i know i shouldnt of got angry" Hanji spoke filling up with gulit while tears streamed down her face as she looked down at Mika

"You did nothing wrong, im just worried about mine and Levis child" Eren spoke while taking deep breathes trying to think postive about Mika's future

Meanwhile they all heard sirens in the distance causing them to all jolt with shock it was the amblance

The brown haired teen decided to walk inside the vehicle to put the
ill black haired teen on the amblance bed to make him feel comfortable causing doctor Zoe to tag along behind them

"Could i tell you something?" Hanji asked while deciding to sit down taking deep breathes as she knew deep inside that she needed to tell someone about her bad memories she didnt want to face them all alone she just wanted to let all her feelings out and get her mind clear and she just wanted to let them know why she started to get angry at the media

"Whats wrong?" Eren asked in concered tone while filling up with anxitey while grasping onto Levi's hand trying to clam himself down he just couldn't stop himself the brown haired teen had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen in the future

To be continued....

A\N: im really sorry that i havent been updating for a long time ive been extremly busy with college and stuff but i will try my best to keep updating but its just diffcult to find time to update 😬

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