Chapter: 16: Levi Ackerman is a Strong man

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Eren started to clam down but he quickly took a deep breathe before walking inside with Hanji, they both decided to walk to the waiting room, because the doctor and the brown haired teen had a feeling that Levi may recover any hour, they fanilly found some spare chairs and they both sat down, A few moments pasted by with pure silence. Hanji reached out her hand with hesitation and cupped his hand with her own before whispering "Levi's a strong man his body was able to carry a child not many men can say that, like seriously not even orther men can get pregnant never mind carrying the baby full term and having a healthy baby-"

"HEALTHY?! YOUR SERIOUSLY CALLING OUR BABY HEALTHY!" Eren raged with worry, hanji smiled slightly while sighing "it's pretty normal some baby's are born and need a little help with breathing, the thing is even though your child isn't breathing properly, it still has a slight chance of surviving. So please just hope for the best"

The brown haired anxious teen gritted his teeth and looked down at the floor and sighed heavily "I guess I could just stay positive for this new family"

"That's the spirt, oh and on that note let's discuss some names for the new born" she clicked her fingers and smiled  cheekily

".....but how can I name it when I don't even know its sex" eren questioned looking slightly confused as hanji stared amazed and whispered "you've got a baby boy didn't you notice?"

/ / / /

The black haired teen finally recovered from his operation but soon as he opened his blue grey eyes he felt light headed; The room was spinning making him feel like he was drunk he groaned with sickness turning on to his side and moaning with discomfort, he quickly jolted up making himself sit up and reached over to a near by bowl and proceeding to heave

The next morning......

the black haired ill teen decided to stay over night from the operation meanwhile Eren had quiet a stressful night staying up late, anxious about him and Levi and their child, Levi started to feel a lot better, A nurse came round and made sure that Levi was perfectly fine, The short young woman with blonde long hair held a clipboard in her hands nervously as she spoke "Erm...Mr Ackerman. I believe that from these notes that your baby's heart is now beating at the normal speed that a baby's heart should beat at, the Young boys breathing seems to becoming back ever so slightly, Doctor Ymir who is dealing with your son says that he should be back to normal and should be able to go back home in a months time, in the meantime you can go an rest up at home, I'll keep close contact and let you know if any changers acure" She whispered her voice shaking.

Levi's breathe hitched with amazement as he spoke " baby's a baby boy?"

To be continued.......

A/N ; I'm rellay stuck for ideas is there anything you guys would want to happen in my story?🤔

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