Chapter 21: Future arrangments

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"I'm sorry that must of caused you so much pain" Levi spoke while trying to think of a way that could make her feel a little happier from the memories that was effecting her

"I don't understand why can't I just forget about him" She spoke as she started to feel uneasy as she knew deep inside that she had to try to move on and forget about him but just the thought of her falling in love with someone else didn't seem right

"It's the memory's that are holding you back" the black haired teen spoke as he gently sat his child Mika on his lap and the baby started to giggle with innocence and reached up trying to get Levi's attention as he still wanted to be continued feeding

Levi started to feed his child again he heard a loud thud followed by an " ow!"  to then hearing a few cursed words

Levi smirked as he glanced at Hanji and mumbled "could you please look after Mika for a few moments so I can see what's wrong with eren?"

A few hours later...

Hanji was greeted again this time both teenagers had messy hair and looked like they had just done a work out

The shorter boy had a hand on his hip almost trying to hold himself up right as he breathed, "I really need a bath"

Eren attempted to grasp Levi's arm but the smaller boy yanked his hand away and shook his head almost like he wanted to keep quiet about what just happened

"Is that a new ring your wearing? I didn't notice it before" hanji spoke

"Yeah we are engaged I just proposed!" Eren yelled with excitement "I cant wait we are going to get married, obviously you can be our best man because you got us together you made us connect. If it wasn't for you Levi would of got a abortion and would of never spoke to me" Eren smiled brightly

Hanji Zoe instantly got to her feet pushed past both of them and passed Mika over to Levi  before rushing off to the front door and slamming it behind herself

Levi clacked his tongue before looking at Eren and saying "that's why I didn't want you to say anything to her cut a long story short, her husband left her because she couldn't carry children and so he left her for a younger women who happened to get pregnant instantly, she's been broken ever since and doesn't want to talk about her past, it's understandable since she married a dick"

"Shall we go after her?" Eren asked in a concerned tone

The smaller man thought for a while but then spoke "let's leave her for a while she may need some time to breathe I've got a good idea where he would be anyway"

Both of them went to freshen up before making there way to Costa cafe

As they opened the door they were greeted by smiles and laughter as Grisha and Carla surrounded them hugging and kissing before repeating there actions, it was nothing less than obvious that they was happy to see them.

Once the crowd had died down Eren, Levi and Mika saw Hanji Zoe sat alone in the corner they made there way over to her but was stopped in there tracks as a young handsome man with mouse blonde hair walked over to Hanji and asked for her order

Levi turned to look over to his Fiancé and raised a eye brow Eren dramatically rolled his eyes before whispering "he's my cousin moblit"

To be continued...

I'm pregnant? (Ereri/ riren mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now