Chapter 4: friends and enimes

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A few hours later
The man walked to the pub it was thundering and lighting and he sat alone inside the pub and drank some water as he was thinking hard about the baby situation, Levi sighed hard as he was unsure what to do

His friend Farlan came along and sat opposite Him

"Hey what's wrong?" The blonde haired man asked

Levi sighed as he played with a beer mat nervously wondering what to do and pretended to not of heard Farlan asking him what's wrong

"How did the results go?" Farlan asked as he drank down a pint of beer

Levi looked at Farlan and dropped the beer mat on the table and just froze in hesitation as he didn't know how to respond Levi took a deep breath

"The doctor told me I'm p preg-...."

Farlan bursted out laughing and spat some of his drink out looking at Levi like he was some insane maniac

"Was you going to say pregnant?" The blonde haired man erupted with laugher

Levi quickly got out of his chair and slightly claimed over the table and grabbed the mans shirt and pulled him close

"YOU FIND THIS FUNNY?" He raged his voice in a cold tone, Farlan backed down holding his hands up "Wait your actually being serious?" Farlan asked with a hint of disgust. "Tsk...of course I am, you brat!" The small man fowned his eyes as he released Farlan.

"I..I'm sorry" Farlan said as he sat comfortably down feeling bad for laughing, but being honest... The man sat unsure of the situation that was surrounding him.

"I rellay don't know what to do...wether to keep the baby, but Im not even capable or responsible looking after it and I don't even know who the farther is. I was to drunk to remember, and I'm 2 months pregnant  so An abortion isn't possible" Levi rambled on burying his head in his arms, "I dont know what to say....I think you should just try an find the farther and see how he feels, honestly I have no words me as your friend... I find it slightly creepy that your carrying a child and I think putting it up for adoption would be a better option"  Farlan advised telling his friend how he really felt about the situation.

Levi was filling up with anger, he grabbed Farlan by his Tshirt causing a scene as the Levi's drink was spilt on the floor; the watching family's soon turned back to their own things and Levi kicked the man in his privates making him collapse to the floor in agony "Keep your personal opinions to yourself you idiot. I didn't ask you wether you thought I was creepy or strange for carrying a child I just wanted your opinion on the situation. I am not a creep it's not my fault I have no choice! Maybe I have to keep the baby!! It's scary but... Maybe I just have to; I don't agree with it moving away from me, it's how I was raised and-" The man raged as he kept hold of the man making it so their faces was only centimeters apart,

"B..but....I don't Rellay wanna be around someone who's gay and pregnant it sounds creepy! It is creepy!"   The man said nervously hoping Levi would release him "Why the hell is it creepy? what is it that bothers you so much?!" The man asked angrily as he couldn't get why he hated him so much "Gay people are just weirdoes " Farlan said carelessly,  the words cut Levi like A knifes but with sudden realization the smaller man let him go "But I told you that's how it was a year ago"  the Levi mumbled as he sat down him almost staring at nothing, "I know because you fancied me" Farlan laughed sarcastically as he sat down and drank some more of his beer.

"Then why didn't you tell me that you wasn't ok with me back then? I could of left already god damn it; I could of found a true friend who likes me for who I am" Levi raged as anger was building up inside him again along with a sudden about of sadness. "Because You was having a hard time, look I'm sorry but I just can't handle having a friend whose gay... Back then I coul handle it but now... Now your fucking messed up and pregnant! I can't dream to be around you anymore"

Their was silence between the two of them all they could hear was the loud thunder and lighting rumbles from outside the pub and people having fun and laughing away consumed by their own conversations.

"Look I'm sorry Farlan but you cannot change the way I am" Levi got up from his comfortable chair and made his way outside and started to walk back home,  it was getting late the piecing quietness and distant rumbles of the thunder, let Levi's mind run while he walked past the city thugs just laughing away in the street....

Levi places his hands on his pockets as he walked on trough the streets. When the man arrived at his home he laid In bed and sighed heavily as he was still unsure what to do about the baby situation; to the extent he even attempted to call Doctor hanji Zoe to see if she could speak, but she never replied...

In the end Levi fell fast asleep and dreamed

The dream.....

It was a nice and warm summers day  and Levi was looking after his son, the toddler giggled as he slided down a slide,  the boy really enjoyed playing with his newly found friends, Levi wasn't sure how old the lad was but he was aware the boy only just learnt how to walk but his son walked upto Him and tugged his trousers with his thumb in his mouth the man knelt down and picked him up.... Holding him in his arms.

"Mommy Levi can I have my bottle?" he asked as he chucked Sweetly, "mommy has a weird scarf" the child reached up his delicate hand and yanked on Levi's cravat.

"Tsk okay you little brat!" he said as quickly gave the boy kiss on his cheek  and then grabbed the toddlers bottle from his bag The toddler cheered with happiness as his mommy passed the bottle, the child was desperately trying to get away reaching over to the climbing frame... Almost falling out of Levi's arms, "I will help you get down" Levi said as he grabbed the boy gently and then slowly putt the toddler down on the ground..

(End of dream)

Levi woke up from his dream and got out of bed to get a drink of water it was 1:00 in the morning, he was trembling not able to stop thinking about the dream he just had, "Wow that dream was amazing" He whispered as it was late at night, after he downed the drink of water went to the kitchen and turned the lights and made himself some toast.

As for some reason he felt like he could murder someone for a slice of toast!

I'm pregnant? (Ereri/ riren mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now