Chapter 22: Moving on.

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"Cousin? I hope he isn't a idiot... that women has been through so much she doesn't need that at the moment..." Levi complained and Eren scratched his head nervously. "He's never even had a girlfriend before, not sure if he'll treat her right.... but it's more likely he won't know how to react to her at all..."


The handsome mouse blonde haired man was still talking to the customer while holding a piece of paper in his hand nervously, he wasn't sure what to say to the sad looking woman; she seemed lost in thoughts.

he scratched his head nervously as he looked around the room for reassurance.

The man had decided to work at the cafe just for while, since his cousin Eren Jaeger was taking a break for a couple of months because his boyfriend had a child.

He wasn't exactly unpleasant to be around but he was on the nervous side of the workplace, he wasn't much good at talking to females either.

"A..are you feeling ok? I've got time to talk if you want to speak about it" the man spoke nervously as he pulled out the chair opposite Hanji and sat down with her

"I it's nothing I just don't see why everyone has someone expect for me" she spoke as she rested her head on her hand and avoided eye contact

"Aren't you that crazy woman who thought male pregnancy existed?" He spoke as he laughed trough his nose but then stopped suddenly as Hanji's face seemed to cringe

" don't worry it's not a bad thing I find it amazing how you noticed that a man could become pregnant, my cousin Eren; his boyfriend got pregnant didn't he? and you was the first one to realise. You was the first one to realise that there was going to a new member to the jeager family. so..if anyone knocks you down just remember that you have made this family extremely happy, when you have your own children make sure that you tell them that their mum is a world wide genius...and that she's extremely pretty aswell... you shouldn't be sad about that."

The brown haired woman's eyes widened as a blush appeared on her face as she made eye contact with the man, she couldn't believe what she was hearing right now. she started to feel a warm sickening feeling inside.

She couldn't believe that she was getting along with someone new but she knew deep inside that she had to to move on from the idiot who hurt her

Her mind started to run wild with thoughts;

What is this feeling?..

Am I moving on?...

Am I falling in love?...

"S..sorry I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I'm not good with talking to women" the handsome man spoke while nervously grabbing his pen he wanted to write his phone number down on her hand before he carried on doing his job just incase he never got to see her again

"D..don't didn't say anything wrong. It's just that Ive never heard anyone say that to me before"

"Really? Well to be honest I've never experienced talking to a woman because since I've never been in a relationship before and I'm not really good at giving women advice, but if  you want to talk about what happened then I don't mind listening, if you do feel stupid that you proved to the world that male pregnancy could happen please don't feel that way. Because your not alone. To be honest I've always wanted to have a child so that I could become a farther one day and you aren't weird for being interested in stuff like that because you have changed my family's life so much and my cousin has been so happy since he's ever fell in love"

"Thank you so much" She spoke as she chuckled trough her nose

She started to have a good feeling that she had some sort of connection with him she started to get her spirt back and rested her head onto the mans chest

The handsome man jolted with shock as he looked down at the happy looking woman unsure how to react he then put his head close to hers as they embraced he decided to intertwined there hands together

Carla then realised that moblit was getting carried away with the conversation he was having and wasn't doing his work "Get back to work!"

"I..Im sorry it's been such a pleasure to meet you but I'm going to have to continue with taking orders" he spoke while getting up to his feet as he walked away he waved his hand and whispered "I'll meet you later call me"

To be continued....

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