Chapter 25: Im Pregnant?

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Huh?..Who could that be..? It can't be any of my friends they haven't even spoken to me in years or unless it's from my family or someone important's got to be-

"Damn it I can't let it distract me.
I need to stay focused!"

Moblit muttered under his breathe as he carried on going up to customers

A few hours pasted by...

After all the busy work from ordering drinks for customers

Moblit took a deep breathe and began to take a break to relax

Deep inside he knew that if he was working at the cafe he couldn't just lazy around to have a break from the job, as usually it would give a bad impression and make all the workers think that your just doing the work for money.

But luckily it was only work experience

His heart started to beat like crazy.
pounding like a drum as he reached inside his pocket

The man gasped with shock as he read who the message was from.

Of course I was right who else would it of been

He thought then let out a nervous chuckle as a blush appeared on his face he then looked down at the floor in thought. Trying to figure out what to say

Hi Hanji  Its fine, I hope that just by talking to someone and letting your feelings out. made you feel a little better and I hope that I didn't say anything that was overwhelming today. as you probably have noticed I'm not very good at talking with women. And I was just wondering would you like to meet up at some point. Like Maybe In a months time or whenever your available?"
From Moblit

As the message sent he started to feel extremely nervous but he felt quite flattered at the same time as he never ever had a text from a woman before

He then began to stare out of space as the atmosphere in the cafe seemed to make him feel uncomfortable and tense.

The only thing that he could hear was a load of people chattering away in the cafe as loud footsteps echoed in the place as people became to  sit down

It's so stupid

I only want to become friends with her right?  It's not like I fancy her

But.. i know that it can't be just wanting to be friends with her!

Ive never had these feelings towards anybody in my entire life

I'm so confused

/ / / / / / /

A few months past by...

It was the day before the wedding and the brown haired teen

Decided to stay at his parents house

All day and over night to try on a black wedding suit and get himself prepared for the romantic wedding

Carla gasped in shock as it was her first time seeing her son in a wedding suit she was too speechless to even say anything.

"Grisha our son looks absolutely amazing! Don't you think?" She spoke in a joyful but emotional tone

The brown haired teen let out a chuckle  as he looked down at the floor as realisation started to kick in

He started to feel slightly nervous for the wedding, he knew that it was going to change his life forever because he was going to be spending his entire lifetime with his boyfriend

He started have flashbacks of the conversations they both had when they both met;


"My names Eren By the way, what's yours!?"

"Tsk your name sounds similar I swear I've heard it around, the names Levi...You didn't need to worry about me its just been very stressful these past 2 days and my minds been running wild lately"


"Am I making you feel uncomfortable kiddo?"

{end of flashback}

I find it absolutely crazy how much has happened between Me and Levi
if it wasn't for me finding out that Levi fainted on a table while working at a cafe and then me beginning to have a slight interest in Levi

We would of never even known each other and me and Levi would probably of just been alone and confused with the memories of the past

Eren thought as he fiddled with his fingers nervously

"Son you look very grown up. I'm proud of you" Grisha spoke in a playful tone as he began to mess his son's hair up playfully.

"I'm sure Levi will think you look amazing" Carla spoke in a playful but serious tone

Meanwhile...the black haired teen began to look trough his wardrobe to see if he could find a fancy looking suit for the wedding.

But at the same time finding it difficult to find any decent looking suits.

"Let's go an find some suits then shall we little guy, tomorrow is going to a very special day for all of us" he cooed as he began to gently grasp Mika in his arms as he went down stairs to the door

The next day....

When the two teenagers arrived at the wedding

They looked around the fancy looking room to see if everyone had turned up for the very special event

For a split second they realised that Hanji was nowhere to be seen, but they didn't want to say anything since the wedding was about to start and they thought that maybe the women may of just forgotten about the big event

As the two teenagers walked up to each other their eyes began to notice what each other was wearing in the moment they then began to repeat their vows as the sweet romantic music began to play

But before the moment of kissing could even happen

A messy haired looking Hanji Zoe walked into the room to sit down to see the moment as she began to rest her head against Moblit's shoulder.

Eren and Levi's lips began to touch together as they intertwined their hands together before they both began to say;

"Love you kiddo" the black haired teen spoke as they locked eyes

"I love you too" the brown haired teen spoke spoke as he laughed trough his nose

A crowd of people began to cheer and clap in happiness in the distance

When all the cheering and clapping had stopped the two teens walked up the messy haired looking women

"I'm so sorry that I was late.." Hanjj spoke in apologetic tone while beginning to sort her hair out

"It's fine and why is your hair much a mess?" The black haired teen asked as began to realised that she looked pale

"Well...I've got something to tell you"

She spoke as she began to take a deep breathe before continuing to speak.

"I'm pregnant" she spoke as happy tears streamed down her face

The end!!


Well..I really hope you guys have enjoyed my story and I just want to say a massive thank you to all my fans for the support it means a lot but don't worry I might be starting a new fanfic soon x 💗

I'm pregnant? (Ereri/ riren mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now