Chapter 2: the memory

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The man was getting concerned about his sickness he wanted to talk to someone about he forced himself to get up and make his way to the near by  pub and sat on the bench, were he saw his old friend Farlan. The man spotted him and made his way over sitting beside him. It was a nice sunny day and the sunset had only just started rising.

"Hey Levi, long time no see... what's wrong? You look ill" Farlan asked as he sat down more comfortably facing Levi.

Levi Ackerman sighed "I don't know I just feel really sick and I've had this sickness for couple of weeks" he said as he was feeling fed up with this stupid way of living, "Well...I don't rellay know what to say but I guess it isn't normal for a guy to feel ill for a couple of weeks" Farlan said as he looked at his ill friend concerned "us men usually fight them off you know" he laughed sarcastically trying to make Levi laugh along but the man ignored.

"Levi have you gone to see doctor about your sickness?" Farlan asked almost sighing as he rubbed his friends back while continuing to drink some beer what he had got from the bar...

"Yes I have, i went to see Doctor Zoe and I had a blood test, she also gave me some tablets to help me but they aren't rellay working, I am going to see her tomorrow."

"That's good..."

With shock The black haired started to feel sick, he covered his face quickly and began to run inside heading for the toilets. He got to the toilets just in time and threw up hard.

"Tsk..disgusting!" He complained as he gripped onto the toilet just incase he was going to be sick again

His blonde haired friend came running in after him and with no hesitation he sat beside  his friend  "you ok there Levi?" Farlan asked as he saw his friend suffering from this strange sort of illness  "no! Ah! I hate this Stupid sickness, I hate sick! I hate dirt! And I'm fucking hugging onto a toilet, the last time I did this I was 5...." he said as he banged his first on the toilet with frustration.

It was just getting late, the beautiful sunset was just fading away, Levi's friend decided to go home because it was getting late, So Levi stood outside and leaned on a wall just to get some fresh air, the breezy wind blew on the mans face blowing his hair back as he took a deep breath looking up at the glorious sunset and smiling.

"Woah the sunset is amazing, at least tomorrow I'll find out what's wrong with my stupid body...." Just as he spoke he placed his hand on his stomach and realised:

About 6 weeks ago, he visited a local night club with a few old school friends... It was a little like a reunion; there he got drunk and was in no control over his actions....  He remembered falling to the floor with dizziness and a young lad he had never seen before, grabbed his hand stopping him from falling!

Levi frowned his eyes as the memory ran though his mind, he then removed his hand from his stomach and made his way back home... Left to wonder about the teenage boy he met that day...

To be continued...

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! What do you guys think?

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