Chapter 5: texting hanji zoe

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When the toast was done Levi Sat down in his comfortable chair and began to eat.  His phone buzzed in his pj's pocket  "Tsk i bet that's shitty glasses! She always stays up because she's on her night shift until 2 in the morning but thinking about it she has probably just finished work now"  Levi sighed as finished off his toast and grabbed his phone out of his pocket 

(1) text from Hanji Zoe

The man opened his text to Look what she had put

Hey Levi It's me Hanji how are you?  Are you sleeping? I need to tell you something You need to come to the doctors possibly in the next week for a pregnancy scan... I think this will help you develop a mother attitude to your child, as seeing what's growing inside you might make you more confident with your choice.

From Shitty Glasses

Levi slouched back in his chair while rubbing his chin feeling irritated..... He sighed while sitting up and write a message back:

Hi Shitty Glasses, I've been struggling to get rest there wasn't really any difference after taking thoughts glucose tablets... And about the scan; that's fine what time will the appointment be? I'm still not 100% about the baby situation I told one my friends about the it yesterday and he thinks I'm insane...I Really don't know what to do.....but when I slept i had a dream about looking after was pretty amazing I'm not going to lie. I never knew dreams could be so persuading.

as he sent the message he laid his head on his table he's mind was running wild again What will my orthers friends think? Will they think I'm insane to....

"Shit...." The man sighed getting to his feet and opening his window; he looked out to the stars above the city... While clutching his phone in his hand "the sun will come up at 4 in the morning" he mumbled and a sudden thought ran over him I wonder who the father is, I don't even really remember him but there has to be a reason I let my drunken self sleep with him... Damn it would he say I'm insane? Would he even support me... Who knows he might just be a normal teenager who isn't even old enough to be with someone like me! There's so many things that could go wrong... Because the club I went to was a 18+, but everyone knows people the age of 17 go and pretend they are 18...

Levi's phone buzzed

Levi there's no rush don't push yourself just have to believe In yourself. don't listen to him he's just trying to ruin your choices, just follow your heart trust me it will work out; sounds stupid but I know you a lot more then you think Levi Ackerman.

From Shitty Glasses

He didn't reply to the message he just stared out into the night sky  His phone buzzed again and he checked his message from hanji his hands was shaking with fear as his mind was still running wild what would the guys reaction be if he ever met me again?...if I told him about me being pregnant would he just leave me and freak out? and say It was only a night stand and leave me? "Theres just so much questions that are unanswered" Levi sighed and grabbed his phone and replied with hesitation

Tsk....I don't know..I mean If  I find the person who I met would he think im insane because I'm pregnant...?

Levi sent the message and carried on looking outside of window at the beautiful sight of shinning stars in the sky as he could see colorful cars zooming fast in the street and thugs hanging around in the street drunk out of their minds, but levi didn't care about that just the sight of the glamorous stars was just amazing He couldn't stop looking at beautiful sight as it made his negative thoughts about the situation fade away

Buzz! buzz!

Levi clam down trust me everything will be okay.. Even if you never actually meet him again , you can't do this alone! Anyway I'm off to bed but I'll talk soon goodnight :) X

Levi stared out and hours passed by when it had turned 4 in the morning he got himself ready and made his way down to the near by cafe... He was one of the only people there as by the time he got there it was only 5....

A teenage boy wondered over to the table with a cheesy smile and a pen and pater nervously clutched in his hand "good morning sir, would you like something?" The teenager asked; you could tell by the tone in his voice he was extremely nervous...
"Just a tea please... If I may ask why are you so nervous?" Levi asked glancing up to the boy

"It's my first day at this job... It's really scary you know" he replied scratching his head and laughing like a fool turning bright red "I see" Levi laughed a little through his nose

"So.... Are you off to any place interesting? A job or something... You look dressed u- well I mean smart hehe" the boy chuckled

"No... Not really just going to the doctors"

"Erm" the teen stared at the man and glanced away " I know you?" With this being said Levi Ackerman looked at the boy and stared into his eyes "no I don't think so... Is my tea going to make itself?"

"Oh... Yeah... Sorry I forgot..." The boy ran away off into the kitchen leaving Levi to laugh a little bit.

To be continued...

I'm pregnant? (Ereri/ riren mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now