Chapter 12: He is the father to your baby

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Why did levi just touch the tip of my hand has he changed the way he feels about me? 

Eren looked at Levi while his heart rate suddenly increased; his mind was running wild as the 2 teenagers made eye contact, for some strange reason the pregnant teen didn't want to turn away from his friend,  a blush appeared on Erens face as he just couldn't believe that his first ever crush saved him from dying alone and the cause being from starvation. Just knowing that he's helping him, made his dark thoughts fade away to positive and his frown curve into a smile.

Levi's grip got tighter while he started thinking to himself I wonder if I could take Eren to the doctors with me for the DNA Test hanji told me about last night while I was on the phone to her that I could see her anytime this week I wonder if she would let me in today.

"come on we should get going" Levi whispered as he started to walk on Eren following beside him; when they got to the doctors they walked up to The cherry blonde haired woman to book a appointment "Hey could I book an appointment please to see doctor Hanji  Zoe and my midwife Erwin smith also it's important to know that hanji told me that I could see her during this week" Levi asked in a calm tone, Petra nodded her head nervously "I know it's none of my business but was that why you was feeling sick a couple of weeks back because of the pregnancy?" Petra asked while picking up the phone to ring doctor Hanji.

"Yeah it was" Levi chuckled nervously "I need to see if Eren here is the father"

She held up her hand and carried on with the call... a few moments past by and Eren and Levi walked into hanjis room; Erwin took both of the teenagers blood and started to find out the DNA..

About half an hour past by and Erwin walked up to Levi and looked over to Eren "he's the father"

"H..honestly?" Eren stutted nervously almost choking on his own breath "that's...."

"I'm sorry for not believing everything you told me at the park Eren, i was an idiot" Levi interrupted before looking over to Hanji again "so what happens now?"

"It's up to you now" she smiled "im so happy you found the father"

Just at that moment the door opened and a group of people holding cameras almost poured into the room and gathered around Levi asking questions... "IS IT TRUE YOUR THE FIRST MAN TO GET PREGNANT?" They raged and Hanji laughed "excuse me but if your wanting the facts your best talking to me" she spoke proudly and the cameras turned their attention to her "DOCTOR HOW IS IT POSSIBLE A MAN CAN GET PREGNANT? HOW DOES LABOR WORK? COULD IT KILL THIS MAN?"

"Eh..." Hanji laughed unsure how to answer....

4 month past by:

"Eren?" Levi whispered laying down on the sofa while rubbing his belly "don't you think it's about time you told your parents? About our child"

"I'm not sure..." Eren sighed as he looked down to ground while sitting on the sofa fiddling with his fingers nervously

"It's not like we can do anything about it now as I'm to far on in the pregnancy"

"But....they won't- I know that I should of told you a couple of months back but I told them about Me being gay and they hate-" Levi stopped Eren mid sentence and looked at him with a clam look on his face while laying down on the sofa

"You need to tell them about it they may have changed"

"Fine" Eren sighed heavily while walking to the door

When the teen arrived Eren knocked on the door nervously while he was shaking with fear

Grisha answered the door and sighed heavily while feeling guilty for kicking the teen out of the house "Eren come in" Grisha spoke in a calmed tone while offering Eren a sit down on the sofa, Carla walked in the front room and hugged onto her son tightly and gave him a kiss on the forehead while crying with happiness "Eren please stay with us we're sorry for everything" Carla spoke in a hushed tone

"well....I need to tell you something" the teen took a deep breathe before finishing his sentence..

To be continued...
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I'm pregnant? (Ereri/ riren mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now