Chapter 7: the midwife.

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" it's not like that Hanji I've only just met him this morning" Levi spoke nervously sounding a little unbelievable.

"'s love at first sight?" she gasped with excitement and covered her mouth lost with giggles while blushing volietly, He just looked at her with a blank emotion and a unreadable expression.

"Oh..Come on Levi there's no point of hiding it I know that it's love at first sight! I know you very well maybe even more than you think Levi" Hanji said in a hyperactive tone as she nudged him playfully on the shoulders  "Tsk...shut up hanji" he said with annoyance and rolled his eyes.

"Anyway it's time for your pregnancy scan!" Hanji quickly grabbed Levi by the arm and took him to a man with blonde hair and bushy eyebrows in another room.  "This is your midwife he's called Erwin don't be mad at me because it isn't a women, he's definitely the right man to help you trough your pregnancy and for now he will be doing your pregnancy scan" she said in a cheerful tone

"Hey my names Erwin before I  start anything  I would just like to feel your belly before I do the scan, but I would just like to tell you a few things first about pregnancy Mr Ackerman"  Erwin offered Levi a seat on a nice comfy chair as He sat down, The insane hyperactive doctor left the room giggling and smiling

Erwin took a  deep breathe and spoke

"Levi... The following things im about to tell you are important for a mother to be... To be aware about ....while you are pregnant you need to eat healthy stuff like apples, and drink lots of water and while your pregnant. It is very important not to drink acholoic drinks, also if you feel sick or anything I will offer you some medication but just be warned the mediation I may give you are highly addictive  aswell as that it may make your baby come a month early, the best thing to do is think around your unborn child and make  healthy choices, also you need relax and not get stressed, if you ever wanna take a bath never have the water too hot otherwise it may harm the baby also you may get little cramps now and then in your belly because each day your baby is growing inside you"

As the midwife was explaining some more things about pregnancy he gave Levi 2 pregnancy books to take home...
To help him if needed and to build his confidence and become comfortable about the baby situation

"Is there any questions you would like to ask about the pregnancy?" Erwin asked

Levi shuck his head and Erwin offered Him a lay down on the bed,  when the pregnant man was laid down erwin began to feel around his abdominal area squeezing and circling around the mans belly button with the palm of his hand levis belly seemed to be developing correctly. "Your belly is looking good" Erwin spoke in a deep tone.

he then reached up and grabbed a tube of jelly.. He squeezed it onto the mans stomach making Levi jolt with shock as it was freezing cold, Erwin laughed lightly at the mans reaction "you'll get used to it" he grasped a prob and turned on the computer...

"Levi if you look over to the screen you can just make out the shape of your growing baby" the midwife spoke, Levi smirked with comfort as he kinda liked the idea now he had seen it. "Would you want me to print out a picture for you?".

Levi was a little zoned out and Erwin had guessed that, as he smirked and sat at the side of him...

Woah is that rellay my baby? that I think about it maybe that Eren dude I met today could help me out when the baby's born.. I don't care what Farlan says. I'm not putting this beautiful baby up for adoption, shit I think I like Eren... After all for some reason I feel like I can't do this without him...

"Levi? Do you want a picture of your baby?" Erwin repeated and the man nodded "yes please"

"Erwin... Could I ask you something?"

"Go ahead mr Ackerman" the man smiled at Levi as he started to print off the picture "if you like someone how can you tell them?"

"Well you ask them out I suppose... Why you have someone in mind?"

"I met a lad today and there's just something about him.. I kind of recognize him from somewhere, do you think I should try and talk with him maybe ask him out on a date? Or is that weird because I'm with child"

"If you think he's the father then confront him, I could always arrange a DNA test to find out for you..." Erwin laughed "there's just one last thing we need to do and then you can go home" Erwin passed Levi some files "you need to fill this out for me"

"I'll tell him when the times right, but do you think it will scare him off?"    Levi mumbled while taking the files off for him "what makes you think he's the father anyway?" The midwife questioned

"I started saying about the club and the night I got pregnant, he then told me he's quite the party animal and that he visited the same club. I was just putting 2 and 2 together" Levi sighed and Erwin nodded "it would make me think the same"

To be continued...

I'm pregnant? (Ereri/ riren mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now