Chapter 11: you disgust me

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Carla, Grisha and Eren got in the car just as it started to rain quite heavily outside... The teenager could still see Levi walking away getting soaking wet though while his father was driving back home, Eren started to daydream while staring out of the window:
Should I Really tell my parents about me being gay? would they be disgusted in me? would they hate me for not being into girls?

Not long after getting into his car he arrived at home and was starting to panic I need Levi to help me.. Eren thought as he fiddled with his fingers nervously. Erens parents got out of the car and He followed close behind.

Carla turned around and looked at Eren realizing he looked abit nervous  "Oh for crying out loud! What's wrong with you now? She asked with a annoyed tone crossing her arms as they only just got inside the house. The teenage boy just looked at his mum daydreamy and tears started streaming down his face.

"Oh...e..Eren? what's happened did something happen at the park?" Carla spoke in a calmed down tone as she realized that her son was upset and offered him a sit down on the sofa in the front room soon afterwards Grisha walked into the room with them and sat down.

Eren took a deep breath and spoke
"I..I..IM GAY!" Eren raged as tears drowned his face even more making the boy cough almost choking on upset.

Grisha and Carla looked at eren with a disgusted look on their faces "H..honey your just confused" Erens mum spoke trying to reassure him "I'm not lying mum Im in love with Levi " Eren sighed as he wiped his tears away feeling like his parents had taken the information quite well... But he was wrong; "Says the boy who hasn't slept with anyone yet.. Eren son you can't say that your gay if you haven't actually slept with this Levi boy your on about" grisha explained sitting forward listening closely, Eren covered his face with embossment "I have.." Eren weeped hard sobbing even harder "I slept with Levi" 

The silence felt like it was deafening everyone... As Eren's parents didn't say anything at all it made Eren fill with worry.

"GET OUT" Grisha raged as he grasped the teens arm and pushed him to the corridor "GET THE FUCK OUT!! YOU DISAPPOINT ME! DONT YOU DARE SHOW YOUR FACE NEAR ME OR CARLA AGAIN" the boy's father almost screamed as he opened the door and almost threw him out glaring at his own son "I need my coat-" Eren weeped but he was stopped mid sentence as his father already threw it at him. The door was slammed not another word spoken

"I HATE YOU! YOU CANNOT CHANGE THE WAY I AM!" Eren raged while kicking the door. He ran away from home and let himself walk to wherever his feet wanted to go not a plan in his mind... He was still sobbing and he then collapsed to the floor laying on the pathement while covering himself up with his coat, as he laid down he saw his cafe in the distance  "I've lost mum my dad and my only friend Levi..." He mumbled with a cracked tone in his voice while the rain was dripping on his cold face  making his shiver with anxiety.

A few hours pasted by...... the teen was now sat up hugging onto his knees while sitting on his coat just staring out of space watching the world go by he saw people walking past him just looking at him with disgust like he was a piece of shit that someone left!

The boy closed his eyes as the day turned to night: The next morning....He was still out in the freezing cold weather, he had lost all hope and smelt like he hadn't bathed for a week straight... He breathed hard just wanting a little bit of food or water... He heard a familiar voice calling his name while walking upto him
"Hey Eren what are you doing out here? You shouldn't be out here alone" The black haired teenager spoke in a concerned way noticing that Eren only had a winters coat with him,

Levi? Why did you come to me... Eren wanted to ask but he couldn't gather up to confidence. Why is Eren out here alone in this mess? Levi thought while allowing his eyes to widen looking at Eren.

"L..Levi my parents hate me"  Eren spoke almost sobbing again while hugging onto his knees "Look Eren I know we had an agurement earlier but I seriously don't want to see you being in this mess... would like you to come home with me?" Levi asked in almsot whispering.

Eren's eyes winded and he nodded nervously shakily standing up and grabbing his coat putting it around himself even thought it was dripping wet though..Levi stopped him taking this coat away and taking his off his coat to offer it to Eren instead. "Don't wear that Eren wear my coat instead" Levi spoke passing him the coat.

"B..but your going to be co-"
The black haired teen stopped Eren mid sentence "Don't worry about me kid I have a umbrella on me would you like to share it?" Levi asked as he chuckled trough his nose putting up his umbrella, the brown haired teen nodded nervously getting up and moving closer to Levi. "T...Thank You for getting me out of this mess" Eren smiled nervously while looking down to the floor awqueredly hiding underneath Levi's umbrella he held onto the umbrella lightly and Levi smirked purposely making it so their hands were touching as they both grasped onto the umbrella.

Eren glanced away nervously as they carried on walking.

To be continued....

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