Chapter 19: Bad Memories

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y you..and Levi are so lucky to have such a precious little child in your arms" Hanji spoke with trembling fear as she looked at their child

when Hanji was 17 years old she asked her perants if male pregancy was possible and her perants said "no thats impossible sweetheart"

but even though her perants said that it was never going to happen, deep inside she a gut feeling that men could concive children but was too embrassed to open up to the world

As months and years pasted by she started to become more intrested  about male pregancy there was just something that slightly fastanicted her, as her obsession grew she decided that she wanted to become a seincest but had to settle for a place as a doctor this being said she still wanted to prove that her hyphosis was correct

while she was walking trough the streets late at night she saw two older men in the distance talking about wishing that they could have children

Theres got to be a way i need to prove it!

Hanji thought as she was filling up with idea's she then started to share her opnions to her friends they all thought that she was a little strange when she told them, But no matter what she said nobody believed her

By the time she got to university she decided to read book by book each day and night on how to be a seincest

When Hanji finished her course at university she looked outside the window and watched the world go by in her living room to get rid of the stress as she filled in her first form for a nearby hosptial to be a surgeon

Hanji reopened her eyes to see Eren Jeager crouched down by her lap gently strokeing his childs hair

"You dont have to tell us if its to painful, i can tell that you are reliving a memory that you dont want to relive" the black haired teen spoke in a serious tone while laying down looking up at the cieling

"You dont seem like yourself would you like to spend the night at our house?" The brown haired teen asked while sitting Mika on his lap while pressing his lips on his childs forehead

"that would be great I would love to get to know you and Levi better" Hanji spoke while trying to cheer up 

The amblance arrived at Eren's and Levi's house

As Hanji started to get to know them more...time pasted by.
she started to feel more comfortable around Levi and Eren she wanted to tell them about her past, but she felt like it would ruin the good time they was having

When the blacked haired teen and the brown haired teen went to bed, Hanji decided to grab something from her breast pocket that was precious but just as much haunting, causing her to grasp the small object in her hands close to her heart and close her eyes with grieve.

I once was in love it's been 15 years now since he left me...It's not like I miss him we only got engaged but I just don't know why he left me what did I do so wrong?

Hanji thought as she looked down at the engagement ring as tears streamed down her face as she buried the ring in her hands letting her mind run wild

I can't just let him hurt me like this....he was the one who didn't love me enough to stay

She thought to herself trying to not let the negative thoughts take over her mind causing her to clench the small object in her arms

I can't keep holding onto a memory that I can't bring back I need to forget about him and move on i need to have confidence in myself to believe that maybe I could meet someone new in the future who truly wants to know about my interest and who loves me..
If I keep looking at the ring it's only going to make me feel worse

Hanji Zoe thought causing her to put the ring back inside her breast pocket
deciding to look outside the window to distract herself from thinking about that precious but haunting ring.

She started to feel more tired and relaxed as she looked at the view outside in the distance, she liked the the fact that the world was all lit up at night she found it beautiful

The next morning....

The black haired teen woke up early and he was the only person awake but he still wanted to go down stairs since it's important that he the feeds Mika at a certain time in the morning

he walked down stairs while carrying his child in his arms but made sure that they didn't make any noise because he didn't want to disturb anyone's sleep

To be continued...

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