Chapter 6: it was a pleasure to meet you!

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Levi started to feel very strange, he started to feel abit woozy and light headed.. And because of this he rested his head on his hand and started to breath quicker then usual.

The teenage boy wondered into the kitchen and stood next to his mother "so how are you doing?" She asked almost laughing as the teenager continued to prepare the tea... "It's ok... " he laughed while smiling and carrying the tea out into the cafeteria. he walked to Levi's  table he noticed the man was staring out into space, "H..hey are you ok?" The teen asked placing the tea down on the table sounding concerned... "Y..yeah I'm fine kid" the man replied but the boy wasn't convinced he was telling the truth "sir are you sure?" He asked giving him a little shake on the shoulder "your looking a little more paler then earlier"

"I...I don't know I...I feel..werid" Levi said as he glanced up at the brown haired teen almost trying to ask for help as he was feeling extremely dizzy, the boy became a blur to him as his eye lids started to slowly shut and his vision faded into darkness.

Levi fell on unconscious

"Eh...." The boy panicked quickly grabbing the unconscious Levi unsure what to do "erm excuse me? C..can you hear me?" He stutted but the man never replied. "Don't worry your gonna be okay" the teen spoke nervously as he took a deep breath "MUM!!!" The brown haired teen raged filling with overwhelming fear....

A few moments later

"Hello I think one of my customers has fell unconscious I'm at a cafe called Costa on high street" a woman named carla spoke on the phone to the ambulance "Eren make sure he's still breathing" she whispered frantically covering the microphone to her phone.

The teenager given the name Eren knelt down and placed his hand under the mans mouth feeling for his breath, he then nodded up to his mum "he's still breathing"

After a while the ambulance appeared outside The blue lights flashed crazily as the ambulance got nearer and nearer to the cafe the sound of sirens got louder... The 2 paramedics walked into the Cafe and kneeled down and automatically started running tests on Levi... "Do you know what might of made him in this condition?" One of the men asked  "No he only just came in a couple of Minutes ago I just saw him just noticed he acted a little different and before I knew it he fell unconscious... Is he going to be alright?" Eren asked slightly worried.

"Don't worry about him... He will be fine it's probably a stressful day or something, a lot of people fall unconscious when they don't get enough sleep or are stressing about something" the man looked at the other man and nodded "now we need to move him into the back of the ambulance but we didn't know how serious his condition was, would you help us carry him?"

"I don't mind picking him up as long as he isn't heavy" eren laughed a little trough his nose as he grabbed Levi and took him to the ambulance....

"Oh... Grisha look at our little boy being a hero" Carla laughed as she hugged onto her husband "I told you he'd do good in life my dear"

{{information pocket}}
Eren Jeager is a 18 year old boy who has never really had a real job... He's a party animal and he hangs around with his friends ALOT! Going to near by clubs and getting smashed... He usallay ends up waking up in someone else's bed!
{{end of information pocket}}

Eren sat next to Levi in the ambulance and kept on checking if he was regaining consciousness by checking his breathing.. They was now on there way to the hospital, One of the paramedics in the back sat beside Eren turned on  the heart monitor and checked if Levi's heart was beating at normal pace..

A few moments afterwords.....

Levi was laying in a hospital bed and Eren was sitting next to him in a chair waiting for him to wake up, Levi's eyes opened wide and saw the teenage brown haired boy sitting in a chair next to him when he turned his head; "thank god! I was so worried about you" Eren raged with joy and happiness as he was so glad that the man was waking up!

"My names Eren By the way, what's yours!?" The teen asked politely calming down smiling at the man "Tsk your name sounds similar I swear I've heard it around, the names Levi...You didn't need to worry about me its just been very stressful these past 2 days and my minds been running wild lately" Levi sighed as he was still feeling a little bit dizzy he sat up and grabbed got a bottle of water.

Eren scratched his head nervously


"Am I making you feel uncomfortable kiddo?" Levi asked with Hesitation as he realized that the teen was feeling uncomfortable, the boy shuck his head over dramatically... Levi  heard a sudden familiar girly voice from bottom of his bed shouting "Leevi"

"  it's shitty glasses just to warn you Eren she's.....just insane to be honest I don't even know how she's qualified to be doctor she's not even cleaver" Levi said it with a straight face which made Eren erupted with laughter  "Wait...Did you just say shitty glasses?" The teenage boy asked still laughing.

Hanji walked  in she noticed that Levi was sat next to a teenage boy and she smirked and clapped her hands in joy "Oh Levii! so....Who's this? is he the father to your-"  she said as she raised a eyebrow at Levi, Levi luckily cut her off mid sentence as Eren blushed voiletly and covered his face "Tsk shut up Hanji! Your making him feel uncomfortable"

Levi said as he gritted his teeth, he didn't want Eren to know yet about him being pregnant... But he had heard now and there was no going back! "Wait...are you gay and carrying a child?" Eren asked giving him a werid confusing look

"Yes...But please don't think I'm strange" Levi replied sighing and covering his face... As for some reason he was blushing " know there's nothing wrong with having a little bit of fun in a club"
He joked as he gave Levi a playful  nudge "that's until you get someone pregnant or end up being pregnant"

The teen seemed to have killed the mood but he made a smoth recovery "you know I go to a club nearly every night and get smashed" he laughed

Wait he goes to a club?......I swear he's could be the farther to my he just trying to cover up that night? Why does his name ring a bell? Does he want to get to know me before he confesses about him being the father? Shit Levi's mind was running with wild with thoughts.

"Hey are you alright?" Eren asked as Levi was just staring at Hanji looking gormy "yes...sorry I'm just tired" the man  lied as he rubbed his eyes and yawned "so are you planning on staying long Eren? I could do with talking to Levi alone" Hanji crossed her arms and the boy got to his feet "Levi I I'm so sorry I've got to go back to my cafe I will check up on you tommrow it's the least I can do I hope everything goes well and it was a pleasure to meet you"

"You too kid" the pregnant man sighed...

"OHHHHHH... I see it? Do you see it Levi ackerpoop?" Hanji laughed and the man rolled his eyes "see what?" He tutted

"You like him don't you?!"

To be continued...

I'm pregnant? (Ereri/ riren mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now