Chapter 23: Wild Thoughts

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A blush appeared on her face while the man walked away she started to fill up with embarrassment about what just happened

She couldn't believe that a few moments ago she had just hugged a quiet good looking handsome guy

Her mind started to run wild with thoughts;

Why did I hug him?...

Did I feel some sort of trust towards him..?

Was it because his words made me feel better..?

She decided to rest her head on the back of the chair as she began to look at the phone number on her hand.

Eren and Levi couldn't believe what they had just seen in the distance they both made eye contact with a speechless expression on their faces.

They both started to fill up with wild thoughts;

Why did she just hug him?

Has he wrote something on her hand?

Did he say something that might of made her feel better..?

They both knew that they couldn't just stand there and do nothing.

They both decided to walk up to her to see if she was ok

She seemed a little more different than before it was almost like the blonde haired good looking guy said something, that made her negative thoughts all go away

The daydreaming looking woman was still lost in thoughts;

I  feel some sort of close connection with this guy I want to get know him more

It's so weird how all my negative thoughts and haunting memories are slowly drifting away ever since I've spoke to him

Hanji jolted with shock as she heard Levi and Eren saying her name and talking to her while waving their hands to try an get her attention

"Are you ok?" The brown haired teen asked again while making eye contact with Levi as he started feel curious about the brown haired woman

"Huh?..Erm..oh yes of course I'm fine" she spoke in a nervous tone while avoiding eye contact

"Are you sure? You don't seem yourself Has my cousin said anything strange to you?" The brown haired teen asked in a concerned tone while deciding to sit next to her

"No of course not don't worry honestly I'm fine" she spoke in a positive tone

They both noticed that ever since she spoke to the blonde haired man she seemed more happier,

But they both didn't want to say anything since it might be a quiet a personal topic for Hanji.

"I just wanna say that I'm sorry about earlier I shouldn't of said anything about our mine and Levi's engagement ring or anything Ive realised that you have been trough a lot In your past" the brown haired teen spoke in a apologetic tone hoping that she was will forgive him for his mistake

"Oh don't worry about it. after all you didn't know about my past" She spoke in a joyful tone

"So..let's talk about this wedding then shall we?" She spoke in a cheerful tone before raising a eyebrow at Levi and Eren

To be continued....

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