Chapter 13: the love confession

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"I'm a happy gay boy, and I want you guys to except that.. I'd love to come home but that isn't an option anymore; I got Levi-" eren started to explain but grisha frowned and coughed nervously, Carla locked her hand with him and looked down "we know eren, it's been on the news for the past 4 month... We are proud of you and we've got over the fact that your gay" she spoke but erens father still wouldn't look at his son.

"I understand that now you need the money, so at least come and work back at the cafe with me a your father eren" she spoke sweetly and eren smiled while nodding "sure.."

"So are you and Levi going to get married or something?" She asked making the atmosphere extremely awkward " nothing like that, we aren't even together. We are just friends" he scratched his head and sighed hard..
"Is that what you want?" Grisha spoke "your gay right? Surly your gay because of Levi.. You should tell him and get together" his voice was hushed and it was almost like he was feeling uncomfortable. "Yeah your right dad. I should talk with him before the baby arrives"

Carla got to her feet and grabbed erens hand "I have loads of baby clothes upstairs, I suppose you could have them now". Eren was dragged along but he laughed to himself.

A few hours had passed by and after piling clothes after clothes of baby stuff and putting them into bags, it was time to go back home to Levi, the teenager was dropped off as Carla gave him a lift.. She even came in for a quick drink of tea which meant Levi was left to stare at erens mother... You could tell that their was an argument burning deep inside the pregnant man.
"So Levi.. How are you hunny" Carla smiled as eren went upstairs to sort out the clothes "Not. Bad." He said sternly drinking his tea "oh good, so have you got any names planned?" Erens mother asked but Levi groaned with annoyance "why does it even matter to you anyway? You kicked your son out of your house and left him to sleep on the streets. I won't want anything to do with you.. Nor do I want my child to have a grandmother like you"

"Excuse me?" Carla sighed with disbelief "it wasn't me who actually kicked eren out young man, it was his father I had no say"
"Still let it happen" Levi murmured but then clutched his stomach hard "ah... Stop kicking you son of a bitch" the man was annoyed and agitated almost like something else was on his mind "I'm sorry Levi, your right it was wrong of me. But if that never happened then eren and yourself wouldn't know that eren was the father"

"I'm back!" Eren laughed running into the room and realising that something had just kicked off "woah what happened?"
"Nothing Hun, I'm going to go back home now anyway eren; I'll see you at work tomorrow anyway.." Erens mother got to her feet in a rush and went out of the house quickly.

For about half an hour eren and Levi did nothing but sit down and watch TV, even though both of them was bored. Levi glanced at eren and at the same time eren glanced at Levi letting their eyes meet for a moment...
"Eren it's nice weather outside do you want to go sun bathe for a little while?" Levi asked getting to his feet; "yeah sure sounds like fun.. Have we got any music so we can listen to something and just completely relax?" The teenager got up shortly afterwords and followed his crush "I was planning that anyway" the pregnant teen reached over to the speaker before walking outside and laying down on the giant sun bed in which can allow 2 people to say down at the same time..  They mostly bought it for when the little one arrives.

Levi laid down one way and eren laid down the other meaning they wasn't laying laying directly next to each other (like the picture) instead they was left to look at each other almost upside down...
Eren giggled as that's what he does when embarrassed. But Levi lifted his arm up to his head and played with the teens hair "Eren... I've not realised until now that-"
"I'm in love with you Levi!" Eren interrupted laughing nervously and blushing like crazy "took the words right out of my mouth..." Levi sighed leaning into a kiss.

To be continued...

Please check out my new story "the story of armin arlet"

Please check out my new story "the story of armin arlet"

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