Chapter 8: the costa cafe

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Levi chuckled trough his nose and carried on filling out the questionnaire for Erwin, he then got to his feet and shuck the midwifes hand  "I will see you in a months time to see to how your baby is going, but let me know if you want to see if that guy is the father by doing a DNA test" Erwin quickly grabbed a piece of paper and wrote his number down and gave it to Levi to take home "Yeah I will do and Thankyou for writing your number down" The young man smiled as he walked out of the room and went home.

He ended up sleeping for the whole evening and when he finally woke up it was half 4 in the morning.. The day seemed a little brighter for him and he already had a plan! he got a Quick morning shower before getting dressed, grabbing his coat and making his to way to the cafe that he visited yesterday morning; he was determined to drink a cup of tea this time.

When he arrived he smiled and sat down waiting for Eren to come to him, it's funny I feel a little nervous to see him again, that isn't like me at all could it be I've taken a liking to hi-

"H...Hello again! How did it go with that female doctor?" Eren asked as he gave the young man a cheesy smile while holding a piece of paper with a pen in his hands with quite some force waiting for Levi to respond. You could see from his body language that he was very nervous himself!

" went okay I suppose, and she was still quite annoying like always.., if you get to know hanji you'll know what I mean she isn't the type to be around if your short tempered, and about yesturday please don't tell anybody about..... You know" Levi said in a serious tone rubbing his belly as the teenager looked him up and down "I won't I'm always good with keeping secrets" the teen glanced away and was about to walk way but stopped and snapped his head around to look at the confused looking man " Oh sorry...I almost forgot to ask you what you wanted" Eren said with embrassement as he scratched his head nervously.

"Tsk...just get me a cup of tea" Levi smirked "you should know that's all I'm coming here for... My life without tea would be gloomy it's the only drink I love" Levi explained making Eren chuckle and smile as he walked away and started to make Levi a cup of tea,

"Shit I feel a little-" Levi suddenly started to feel extremely dizzy and Sick Again, he hesitated for a few moments thinking it will pass by but then he quickly ran around the cafe looking for the toilet, he covered his mouth... And heaved heavily... when he got to the toliet he kneeled down and started haurling:

And a few seconds later he threw up

"Tsk disgusting....all this for a little thing growing inside me? it's pretty ridiculous" he complained as he got up to his feet shakily and walked over to the sink and washed his hands

"Hey Eren are you okay? Have you  seen a pretty young woman who you like out there? would you want me to introduce you to her? Don't tell me it's one of the girls you've gone home with at some point" Eren's mum teased as her son was bright red and really concentrating on making a really good cup on tea.. "Hey! mum that's not why I'm blushing" Eren said as he gritted his teeth and continued to make the drink...

Carla sighed hard and glanced away "your going to meet some nice woman one day though right Eren?"

"Maybe..." Eren sounded a little gloomy "what is it you want me to have mom? A child?" He frowned his eyes and looked at his reflection in the hot liquid "it would be nice to have a grand son or daughter" Carla laughed sweetly and messed up her sons hair "why do you think I keep telling you to get a girlfriend"

Eren sighed and grasped the tea moving away from his mothers hold and taking the tea to Levi who was sat on the table nearest the window, the man looked ill and a little pail again.
"are you ok?" Eren asked as he put the drink down "yeah don't worry kiddo" Levi started to get cramps in his belly and it became visible because the man looked like he was in pain, Eren looked at Levi concered as he saw that his customer was in pain.

To be continued...

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