Chapter 24: Thank You

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"Are you sure? We don't mind talking about something else if it's going to make you feel upset again" The brown haired teen spoke in a slight concerned tone while making eye contact with the black haired teen.

Hanji Zoe realised that they was getting concerned about her wellbeing and that they was scared about saying something that was going to cause her even more pain.

She took a deep breathe before beginning to speak;

"Listen don't worry about me trust me I am fine now. I know that you both are worried about me because of what happened in my past. but I am slowly forgetting about him now..and I am feeling a lot more happier than before and you are right Levi I need to forget the guy who I was in love with he was such a horrible person for leaving me... and I just want to say thank you for making me realise that I deserve better."

She spoke as tears of joy streamed down her face while to giving them a hug

The two teenagers was too speechless to speak they didn't know how to react to what she had said, but deep inside they was glad that she was slowly forgetting about the person that caused her so much pain they both hope that she finds someone who will treat her right

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As the blonde haired man ordered a few drinks for some customers his mind started to run wild with thoughts;

For some reason I can't stop looking at the woman I had a conversation with...Maybe I want to get to know her more..?

Damn..I feel so confused right now. All I know is that I feel sort of connection with her and that I want to make her feel happier

Is it because she's changed my cousin life and made him become happier..?

If only I knew its bugging me like crazy!..

He thought as he stared out into the distance

He then had the sudden urge to walk past her table to see if she seemed a little happier after the conversation they had.

As he walked past the table he realised that it wasn't the right time.

They both began to make eye contact, the handsome man gave Hanji a sweet smile in the moment, but then for a split second he saw that she had been crying a few moments ago as she began to smile back.

The blonde haired man deep inside wanted to know the reason why she was crying but he knew that he had to carry on with his work and knew that it would be rude just to Interrupt her conversation with his cousin and Levi.

A blush appeared on her face as the blonde handsome man walked away.

"So..are you sure your ok with us talking about our marriage to you..?" Levi asked trying to make conversation

"Yes of course! I'd love to hear about it"  She spoke in joyful tone preparing herself ready for the good news

"Well...Me and Eren are planning on getting married in a few months" the black haired teen spoke as he linked his hands with Erens

"That's great! I'm so happy for you both" hanji spoke in a positive tone

There was awkward silence between them all they could hear was footsteps and people talking in the cafe

"Can I tell you guys something..?" Hanji asked in a nervous tone trying to break the silence

"Sure what is it..?" The brown haired teen asked in a curious tone

"Well..I'm thinking about getting to know moblit more but I'm not sure what he's like.."

"I think you should go for it! to be honest he's a very caring person even though he can come across quite shy and not good at talking to women but once you get to know him he's very talkative. Did he seem a little strange?" The brown haired teen asked in a curious tone deep inside he was glad that she was thinking about getting along with his cousin

"No he was very talkative and I told him my past and he seemed to understand why I feel hurt" she spoke while daydreaming out into the distance

"That's good because that's what you need right now" The black haired teen spoke in a positive tone

"I agree I think you should try to make friends with him because he doesn't have any friends either and If your negative thoughts go away then he obviously makes you happy" the brown haired teen spoke in a positive tone

"That's true because ever since I've spoken to him all my negative thoughts have gone away"

/ / / / / /

A few hours past by......

Hanji looked at her hand written hand and began to send a text message saying;

Hey it's me the woman who you spoke to at the cafe, I just want to say thank you so much for listening to me today
From Hanji x

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When the blonde haired man finished work he started to fill up with anxiety;

Did I say anything that made her feel uncomfortable..?

Was it because I said something about how amazing it was she proved to the world about male pregnancy could happen..?

I don't think I was saying anything to hurt her after all It might of just been happy tears

The blonde haired man thought as he laughed trough his nose trying to stay positive

To be continued....

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter 🤗 x

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