Chapter 1

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Maya's pov:

Today is Saturday. The Matthews invited me for family game night. Farkle, Zay and Smackle will be there too.

Alright, let me tell you guys what you've missed. My mom and Shawn got married. Smackle and Zay have some kind of un official thing going on. Farkle and Riley started dating a few months ago. And I just broke up with Riley's brother, Lucas. Things were really awkward between us, that's why we decided to just be friends and also because I still have feelings for Josh.

It was currently 5.30 pm and I should start to get ready. I pulled out my grey sweater and my favorite ripped jeans. Shawn's coming too, so we both drives to the Matthews place.

We walked inside and saw Topanga making popcorn and preparing the snacks for the family game night.

"Hey Maya, Hi Shawn" Topanga greeted.

"Hi Mrs Matthews, is Riley home?" I asked her.

"Yeah, Lucas and Riley are in Riley's room" Topanga told me.

I walked down the short hallway and stepped inside Riley's room.

"Maya!!" Riley stood up and hugged me from the side.

"Why so happy Riles?" I asked her playfully.

"Because uncle Josh is coming!"

"YAY!" I cheered, happily.

"Where's Zay, Farkle and Smackle?" Lucas finally speaks out.

"I don't know, but I think they'll be here soon"

"Sup losers!" Zay yelled as he barged in through the window.

"You do know that we have a door right?" Lucas said, sarcastically.

"You do know that I don't care right?" Zay spoke back.

"Hey, I think that we should just go to the living room. Cause I think that uncle Josh will be here soon" Riley tell us, and we all walked to the living room.

"Hey guys, can you help me set up the game please" Topanga begged and I nodded. We set up the board and all of the characters.

"I'll get it" I said as I heard the doorbell ring. I went to the front door and I opened the door. I was shocked to see Josh. Because he's not alone. There's a girl with dark brown hair wearing a sleeveless top with a blue skirt.

"Hi" Josh smiles at me and they both get inside.

What the hell is going on? Why is he with that girl? I thought we're in it for the long game.

"Hi family, I want you to meet Sophie. She's the campus advisor from NYU. Do you guys mind if she stay for family game night?" He asked Cory for permission.

"Yeah, sure"

We all go grab our partner. Shawn was with Cory, Farkle was with Riley, Smackle was with Zay, Topanga was with Auggie, and what hurts the most is Josh was partnered up with Sophie. Me and Lucas was the only ones left.

"You and me?" Lucas asked me.

"Sure" I replied.

"Alright let's start the game!" Cory said, excitedly.

"Why are you so excited? You guys do know that I'm gonna win right?" Topanga said, proudly.

"Yeah okay"

It's been 1 hour and we're still playing the family game. I know that it will take forever cause Riley wanted to play the long game.

Why Riley?! Why?! It hurts like hell watching Josh with that girl all lovey dovey. It hurts so much, it's gotten to the point where I don't want to see it anymore. And that's why I did something. Something I wish I never did.

"You know what, I'm done playing games. I need to talk to you" I said, standing up.

"Who?" They all asked unison and I dragged Josh to Riley's room and locked the door, so that nobody could walk in.

"What was that about?!" I said, yelling at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked, completely clueless.

"That girl! I thought we're in it for the long game!"

"Really? You're going to talk about the long game? What about you and Lucas huh?" He looked at me coldly.

"I broke up with him because I still have feelings for you" I said truthfully.

"Oh yeah? Well you could go fuck yourself! I'm three years older than you and that will never change!" He said and I felt a tear fell down my cheek.

"Wow" I let out a sigh. "And I thought you actually liked me"

I look at his eyes which are filled with hurt. I know that he regret everything he said.

"Maya I'm sorry" He looked at me, concerned.

"No, I'm sorry" I said, trying to hold back the tears from falling again. "I'm sorry. I thought you meant what you promised"

"Stupid me" I faked a smile.

I walked to the bathroom and looked at the reflection of myself in the mirror. I quickly wiped away the tears and fixed my make up. I walked back to the living room and grabbed my jacket.

"I'm gonna take a walk" I tell them.

"Oh, you want me to come with you?" Shawn said quickly.

"Don't worry about me. I know how to protect myself" I said to him and walked out.


I was at the park and sat down against the tree. I put my head on my hands and cry. And then I heard movement behind me, I turned around and saw a guy with dark hair and he's wearing a black leather jacket.

He smiled at me and I quickly stood up and grab my purse and walked away.

"Leaving already?" He said. I stopped and looked at him.

"Yeah. I thought you maybe wanted to be alone" I responded to him.

"Nah, a company would be great" He said and we both sat down under a big tree.

"Hi, I'm Bradley" He pulled his hand out.

"I'm Maya" I smiled and shook his hand.

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