Chapter 14

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Maya's pov:

Today's the day we all go to San Francisco. We were currently at the airport. And right now Mr. Mendes, our principle, assigned us our seats on the plane, not that anyone really care or followed them.

Once I got on the plane, I noticed Bradley are sitting with his friends on the football team. We haven't talked for days, and it's killing me.

I saw Riley sitting alone by the window at the back and there are two empty seats next to her, so I walked over there and sat down next to her.

"Hey Maya!" She cheerfully greeted me.

"Hi Riles" I greeted her back.

"Oh My God! I'm so excited!" She squealed so loud.

"Calm down Riles" I chuckled.

"I'm going to sleep, bye Maya" She said and lay her head on my shoulder.

I chuckled and pulled out my head phones and plugged them into my phones. I shuffled the songs and it lands on 'That Should Be Me' by Justin Bieber. I put down my phone and then I noticed that Josh are sitting next to Missy Bitchford. She is clearly trying to flirt with him. It's really funny watching it tho, he looks really uncomfortable.

My phone shuffles again to another Justin Bieber song called 'Nothing Like Us'. I kept thinking of random things throughout the song. Like, what would happen in the monsters inc, if they aren't monsters. Or, what would happen in Tangled if Rapunzel have green hair.

And then something happened. All I that I could see is black.

Lol, I'm not dead, I just fell a sleep.

I was dreaming of Channing Tatum proposing to me, until I feel someone besides me. That person held my hand and kissed my head. I opened my eyes to see who it is, and it turns out to be Bradley. Is it weird that I'm kinda disappointed it's him?

"Mind if I sit here?" He asks with hope in his eyes and I simply nod.

"Maya please talk to me. You have no idea how hurt it is not talking to you" He looked deeply into my crystal blue eyes.

I pulled him into a tight hug and whisper "I'm sorry" I sighed. "I should've told you"

"No I'm sorry" He apologized. "I should've never yelled at you"

I pulled away from the hug "So... We're good?" I smiled.

"Yeah" He smiled back.

I rest my head on Bradley shoulder, trying to go back to sleep. But I just can't, because I could feel Josh's eyes on me.

"Hey Maya, I'm gonna go to the rest room for a minute, okay?" He said and I simply nod. He kissed my head before he walked away.

I pulled out my sketch book from my back pack and decided to draw the beautiful view of the sky. But before I could start to draw, I feel someone besides me.

"Wow Brads, you pee fast" I turned to look at him, but it turns out to be Josh and let me tell you, he does not look happy.

"Why the fuck did you do that to her?!" He yelled at me. Thank God that everyone's a sleep, other wise we will be kicked out of the plane

"Would you please keep it down! And what the fuck are you talking about?!" I yelled whispered at him.

"Oh, don't act like you didn't do anything to her" He looked at me, angrily.

"What? to who?" I asked him, completely clueless.

"Are you serious?! Sending a picture of Missy's nudes to the whole school?! That is just wrong! I mean, I know what you did is to protect Riley, but still, you can't just do that to her"

"Wait, what?! Sending Missy's nudes to the whole school?! You really believe her?!"

"Well, it sounded like the things you would do" He snapped.

"Josh, you know me! I would never do that to anyone! Not even Missy!"

"You know what? Fuck you! I couldn't believe I ever loved a bitch like you!" I could feel my heart drop and broke into a million pieces. Did he just called me a 'bitch'?? Did he said 'loved' as in the past??


"Yeah, I loved you Maya. I love you before I knew those things. But now I know, you're not worth loving for" He shook his head, disbelieve.

"Get away from her asshole" I heard a voice behind him, I looked at him and it turns out to be Bradley.

"Gladly" Josh glared at me one more time before he walks away.

"What just happened?" Bradley said while sitting down on his seats.

"I don't even know" I sighed and rest my head on his shoulder.

I don't know what's worse, Josh calling me a bitch, Josh not loving me anymore, or Josh believed Missy more than he believed me.

I could feel tears starts streaming down my cheeks. No Maya, don't cry. Crying doesn't solve anything. He said that he doesn't love me anymore, well what's wrong with that? I don't need him. All I need is Bradley, Lucas, Zay, Farkle, Smackle, and most of all, Riley.

I looked at her, and she is still sleeping. How could she still be sleeping after all the shouts and yelling. Is she dead?

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