Chapter 3

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Maya's pov:

I groaned as my alarm clock went off. I lifted my head from the pillow and shut off the alarm.

I got off the bed and stretched. I fixed my bed sheets. I walked over to my closet and start picking out an outfit.

I pulled out a jean short and my plain grey sleeveless shirt with my black leather jacket. I pulled out my black converse. I went into the bathroom that was connected to my room and took a shower.

Once I finished, I dried my hair and then put on my clothes. I went up to my makeup table and quickly did my usual makeup. I put on a bit of foundation, mascara and my pink lipstick. I fixed my hair before walking out of my room.

I went down the stairs and saw mom preparing for breakfast.

"Morning mom. What's for breakfast?" I asked and sat at the table.

"Pancakes with bacon. Eat quick alright?" She said and rubbed my back before heading into the kitchen.

I ate one pancake and two pieces of bacon before standing up. I grab my keys and then drive to Abigail Adam High.


I walked along the hallways. Many students made way for me, whispering all sorts of stuff. I guess maybe because me and Lucas just broke up. Yeah, a lot of people are giving me death glare.

I saw Riley at her locker, and I quickly headed to my locker which is next to hers.

"Hey Riles" I greeted her and opened my locker.

"Hey Maya. Are you heading to history now?" She asked and I nodded. I quickly grab my books and waited for her. She keep fixing her hair and make up.

"You ready yet?" I asked, getting impatient.

"Yup let's go to class" She said and shut the locker.

We both started walking side by side to our class. Everyone went out of the way as we walked down the hallways.

We both walked inside the classroom to see that everyone was doing whatever they wanted.

"Everyone take your seats!" Mr. Matthews basically shouted at us to sit down. I rolled my eyes as I sat in my usual seat next to Riley and in front of Lucas.

"Hey Maya, I heard that there's a new student" Riley whisper to me.

"Wow really? There's enough people in this school already" I replied.

Mr. Matthews was about to start the lesson, until someone burst through the door. We looked at who it is and my eyes widened.

It was the guy I met in the park. What's his name again? Brandon? Wait, no, Bradley!

"Wow, it's your first day and you're already late" Mr Matthews said.

"I'm so sorry sir. I got lost" Bradley said while giving Mr Matthews his transfer slip.

"It's fine Mr Perry. Why don't you introduce yourself to the class" Mr Matthews said to Bradley.

Bradley looked around the class and his eyes stopped once they landed on me. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Hi my name is Bradley Steven Perry, but all my friends called me Bradley or Brads"

"Well, Mr Perry, why don't you sit next to Maya" Mr Matthews said while pointing at me. And Bradley sit down on an empty seat next to me.

Mr Matthews started the lesson. He wrote ''Forgiveness' on the board. Is it weird that all I think of is Josh. Should I forgive him? Wait, there's no way I'm forgiving him. That asshole doesn't even said he's sorry.

"All through history, countries go to war.
That's what we normally study in here.
But today, we're going to talk about peace and forgiveness" Mr Matthews started the class.

Throughout the class, I could feel Bradley keep staring at me. I think it's really cute.

History is finally over. Me, Riley, Lucas, Farkle and Zay walked to the cafeteria to have lunch. We went in the line and then sit down on an empty table.

"Hey Brads!" I called him, when I spotted him. He walked over to our table and sit down with us.

"You're sitting here" Riley awkwardly said.

"Is that okay?" He asked.

"It's fine" Lucas tell him. "I'm Lucas by the way"

"And this is Maya, Farkle, Zay and Riley" Lucas said.

"Yeah, I actually met Maya yesterday at the park" Bradley smiles at me.

"Oh, when she ran away after that little talk with uncle Josh?" Riley raised her eyebrows and I tried to look everywhere but her eyes.

"What actually happened between you guys?" Lucas asked me, worried.

"Can we not talk about him" I said, looking at the ground.

"C'mon Maya. What did Josh do that makes you cry?" Riley asked, curiously.

"You cried?!" Farkle was completely shocked.

"Maya what happened?" Riley asked again.

"He lied" I simply told them.

"Maya.." Riley puts her hand on my shoulder.

"He broke our promise" I said, looking to the ground. "But I was stupid enough to believe him"

I quickly stood up and walked away. I heard someone calling my name, but I ignored it and keep walking until he grab my wrist and turned me around.

"Maya! Why do you have to walk away like that?" Bradley asked me softly.

"Because I don't want you to see me like this" I replied.

"You shouldn't care if people see you cry alright. Especially you" He told me.

"Why?" I asked him, confused.

"Because I think you look beautiful when you cry" He told me and I giggled.

"Thank you Bradley. It means a lot to me" I said while wiping away the tears in my eyes.

"I'm always gonna be here for you Maya" He said while looking deeply into my crystal blue eyes.

"Always" He assured me.

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