Chapter 16

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Maya's pov:

We were standing in front of the bar called 'Black'. We both looked at the line, the very long line. The line went down the street and all the way around the corner.

"The line is really long! How are we supposed to get in?!" Riley said, freaking out. "And how are we supposed to get in?! We're not even eighteen"

"Don't talk, just act like you fit in" I told her.

"I wanna talk so bad!" I rolled my eyes at what she said and quickly grabbed her hand, then walked up to the bouncers.

"Hey Ray" I said, reading the name tag, and give him a flirty smile to the big bald guy.

"Hey there, gorgeous" He said as he opened the big red door for us.

We started to walk in. When we got in, we both looked around the club. The club is very... Black. Well that kinda make sense since the name of the club is 'Black'.

"Let's go to the bar!" I yelled over the loud music. We walked over to the bar and sat down.

"Hey sexy, what can I get you?" The bartender asked.

"I'll have two shots of tequilas please" I said and the bartender walks away to get our shots.

"Maya, I'm not drinking anything" Riley said.

"Oh c'mon Riles, just one shot" I tell her.

"Fine" She finally give in. The bartender came back holding two little glass.

"Here you go love" He said, handing us the glasses.

"Cheers" we clunked our cups and sipped the red sweet liquid.

We started taking more shots, but I'm not drunk. Riley is, but I'm not. A guy with a dirty blonde hair keep flirting with us, and it's really annoying and disgusting.

"So, how about you, me and her go to somewhere more private" He smirked, trying to flirt with us.

"Yeah? Well how about you just stay out of my sight?" I smirked at him too.

"Oh don't be like that kitten" The guy said as he moved closer to us. Before I could do anything, I feel an arm around my shoulder.

"Hey buddy, my name's Lucas and I'm his boyfriend, so I suggest you just go run along before I do something that makes you wish you've never been born" Lucas said, giving him a death glare and the guy quickly walked away.

"You alright?" He asked me, really concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I sighed. "I just need to go to the rest room for a while"

"I don't think that's a good idea" He said, acting really weird. Okay, something's up. And I need to find out.

"Why?" I asked him, suspicious.

"It's just the rest room in here really sucks" He said, which is a complete lie.

"Well I don't care, I really need to go" I said, walking pass him.

"Maya wait!" I heard him said but I keep walking to the rest room. What could he possibly hiding in the girls bath room?

I keep walking until I reach the girls rest room. When I got in, I heard moaning. Ew, really in the bath room? And suddenly the door burst open.

"Maya, you shouldn't be here!" Lucas said, raising his voice.

"Why?" I asked him, completely confused.

"B-bec-aause" He stuttered.

"Bradley..." I heard someone moaned.

Wait a minute...

I walked over to one of the toilet and opened it. I only stood there in shock. Heartbroken.

How could he do that? I thought he truly cares about me.

I only stood there and watched him making out with that girl.


I finally decide that I'm angry. I walked over and take a cup that was lying on the floor and fill it with water. I walked back to them and pour the water over that asshole.

"What the fuck!" He exclaims wiping his face. "Oh hey babe, wanna join us? We could have a threesome"

Did he really said that?!

"Fuck you Bradley" I said and walked away. I heard Lucas calling my name, but I just kept running away. I know he's drunk, but it still doesn't change the fact that he cheated on me. A lot of people are looking at me, so I kept my head down, so no one will see me crying. I know it's stupid for crying over a guy, but I felt... betrayed.

I kept running outside the club until I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Missy.

"Watch where you're going bitch!" She yelled.

"Sorry" I kept my head down so she wouldn't see me crying.

"Aww... Are you crying because your little boyfriend is cheating on you" She smirked evilly.

"How do you know?" I asked, still crying.

"It's not important how I know. What's important is that now you don't have anyone. Bradley finally open his eyes and see how pathetic you are and Josh hates you now"

"Because of you" I said quietly, but she still hears me.

"Well it's not my fault that he's so stupid and believed me" She look really happy because I'm miserable.

"What did you tell him anyway?" I asked her.

"Well I just told him that me and Lucas are getting really close, and you and Riley didn't like it, so you decided to make Lucas stay away from me by sending my nudes to the whole school" She smile so evilly.

"And he believed that?!" I said hurt, I couldn't believe Josh believed that.

"Well at first he didn't, but I just cried and he just automatically believed me"

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked her.

"Because your life is fucking perfect!" She raised her voice at me.

"My life is no where near perfect!" I raised my voice at her back.

"Are you freaking kidding me?! You have the greatest friends in the world! After your mom marry that Shawn guy, your family became filthy rich! You have three guys who are completely in love with you! Your life is freaking perfect!" And just like that she walked away.

So, what now?

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