Chapter 13

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Maya's pov:

I was sitting at Topanga's alone. It's currently 5.15 pm, which means that Josh's late, just like always.

I was on my phone, reading a wattpad story, until I saw a guy with dark brown hair and blue eyes came in and sit down in front of me.

"Hey, sorry I'm late" He said, taking off his jacket.

"It's fine. Now what do you want to talk about?" I asked him.

"Us" He said and my eyes were wide open.

"What do you mean us?" I raised my eyebrow. "You do know I have a boyfriend right?"

"Yeah... I know... But... I just.... I don't know..." He buried his face on his hands.

"Look Josh, if you're here because you wanted to talk about what happened that night, don't bother. Let's just pretend that it never happened"

"No Maya, I can't pretend like it never happened!" he is basically yelling at me, which makes a lot of people watching us.

"Would you keep it down!" I yelled whispered at him.

"You know what forget it" I said as I stood up

"Maya, wait" He grab my wrist and stood up too.

"Josh, nothing could happen between us!"  I yelled whispered at him. "I have a boyfriend!"

"I know" He sighed "But I really want us to be friends again. I know I screwed up. But I meant when I said that day. I really do love you"

"Josh I-"

"I just want us to be friends. I'm not asking for more. Since I know that we will see each other a lot, I just think it's best if-"

"I would love that Josh" I smiled at him.

"Great" He smiled at me back.

"Look, I have to go. So I'll see you around?" I asked him.

"Yeah, see you around" He smiled. Which is totally a fake one. Look, I know when people are faking their smiles. I mean it's kinda obvious.

I grab my backpack and walked out of the door without looking back.

Josh's pov:

"Great, now I'm stuck in the friend zone" I sighed and trow my head at the table.

"Well you're really lucky she even forgive you" I heard Riley's voice. I looked up and saw her standing behind the counter.

"You saw the whole thing huh?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah.. So glad that mom told me to help out in here today" She laughed.

"Do you think it's possible for her to like.. I don't know.. like me again?" I asked her.

"I don't know... I mean she already have a boyfriend" She said as she sit down on the chair in front of me.

"Yeah.. I know" I sighed

"No, I mean that she moved on. And I feel really sorry for you" She said.

"Why do you feel sorry for me?" I looked at her, completely confused.

"Because she used to think that you were the most amazing guy ever"

"Wait, she really thought that-"

"Yeah she did" Riley cut me off. "But now you're just another part of her past. A memory more faded everyday. And now she already have Bradley. And he will make her the most happiest girl in the world"

You have no idea how much it hurts hearing that.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that" I guess Riley could see it from my eyes that I'm hurt.

"It's fine. It's just really sucks. You know... Loving someone you can't have. Seeing her everyday, but knowing that she'll never be yours" I sighed.

"Josh I know how you feel" She looked at me deeply in the eyes.

"No you don't Riles. It's the worst feeling, cause all I can do is dream and wish for her, but never have her"

"I'm sorry Josh" She sighed. "But just remember, that if it's meant to be, it will be" She smiled at me and walked away.

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