Chapter 12

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Maya's pov:

I woke up and happily got ready for school. I pull out my black t shirt and my short overalls. I was about to walk to my bathroom, until I saw a notification from my phone. I looked at it and I saw 3 texts from Bradley and 2 text from Josh.

Bradzz💕 : Morning gorgeous 😘
Bradzz 💕 : I'll pick you up to school on 7.30 alright
Bradzz💕 : Love ya! ❤️

God he's so adorable. I quickly replied to him a smiley face and a heart emoji.

Josh 🐭 : We need to talk
Josh 🐭 : I'll meet you at Topanga's at 5

I quickly replied to him.

Me : Okay
Me : See you later

I walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower. I put on my outfit and walked over to my vanity to do my everyday make up. As I finished, I fetched my backpack and went downstairs.

"Morning mom" I said.

"Morning sweetie. Come have breakfast" Mom said as she took out two glasses of milk.

I sat down and began eating my breakfast. I glanced at my watch, I still have about 10 minutes until Bradley comes.

After eating my breakfast, I went to the door with my backpack. Bradley was already there, waving at me. I smiled as I went into his car.

"Hey babe" Bradley said as he kissed my cheek.

"Hey" I replied.

Bradley started his car and drove off. It was a quick drive to school. It only took us about 10 minutes to get there. Bradley got off of the car and opened the door for me.

"Thanks" I muttered as he hold my hands.

We met up with Lucas, Zay, Riley and Farkle on a bench in front of our History class.

"Hey" I greeted them.

"Hey" They all greeted me back.

"Hey Maya, have you heard?" Zay asked me and I'm completely clueless of what he's talking about.


"Josh is coming with us to San Fransisco" He told me and let me just tell you, Bradley is not happy with the news.

"Ummm... Okay..... So?" I pretended like I didn't care, but the truth is Josh being there would just make the trip really awkward.

"Oh c'mon! We all know that you're happy that he's coming" He smirked at me.

"Zay" Bradley called him.

"What?" He responded.

"Shut up" Bradley glared at him.

"Alright! Let's go to class" Lucas said as he grab Zay, trying to keep them from fighting.

Lucas and Zay walked away to history. Riley and Farkle walked away to English. There is only me and Bradley on the hallway. He still looked pissed off because of what Zay said.

"Hey babe, don't think about what Zay said too much. You know that you could trust me" I hugged him from the side.

"It's not you that I don't trust, it's him" He said.

"Who? Zay?" I looked at him completely confused.

"No! Josh!" He is basically yelling at me. I'm so glad that we're the only one in the hallway, otherwise everyone will be staring at us.

"Brads... You don't have to worry about anything. I promise you nothing will happen" I assured him.

"It better be" He said as he walked away to Spanish.

I let out a long sigh and walked to Science.


I am now at Science. Listening to all the reproduction shits. To be honest, I don't really care. Fuck it! I don't care at all. I don't care how babies are made, I don't care about the human reproduction system. The only thing I care and the only thing that hurts is Josh. And how I want to hurt him as much as he hurt me.

All I care is Josh and Bradley. Bradley is an amazing guy. He's sweet, caring, basically every girls dream guy. But there's just something about Josh. Something that just can't make me stay away from him.

As I space out in my thoughts, I heard the bell rings. I walked out of the class and walked over to my locker.

"Hey Maya!" Riley greeted me, really cheerful.

"Hey" I greeted her back.

I keep searching for my notebook on my locker. But then the locker next to mine was opened. Which means Bradley is here.

Dun... Dun... Dun...

"Hey" I greeted him.

"Hi" He smiled at me. Which is totally a fake smile. You know why I knew that? Because usually when he smiles he didn't automatically looked away from me.

"Bradley... Don't be like this" I sighed.

"Be like what?" He tried to make it look like nothing's happening.

"Like this" I sighed. "Brads, you don't have to worry about Josh. Nothing is going on between us" I assured him.

"Really?" He looked at me in disgust. "Then what are you doing after school?"

What the fuck?! How did he know??

"I-I..." I stuttered.

"That's what I thought" He slammed his locker and walked away.


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