Chapter 10

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Maya's pov:

It was Saturday. It has been one week after the Semi Formal. Riley and I haven't spending a lot of time together. Every time she wanted to hang out, I already have plans. And every time I wanted to hang out, she already have plans. So today I decided to go her place and just chill.

It was already 1pm. I quickly get ready. I pull out a grey shirt that said 'Troublemaker' and I also pulled out my black skinny jeans and my jean jacket. I grab my black purse and head out of the house. I decided to just walk to her house today.

I was walking down the street that reminded me something. When I was little I walked here a lot. Every time my mom and my dad fight I always run away and I always stop at this street and cry. I'm so glad I don't have to live like that anymore.

I finally arrived at the Matthews place. I walked inside through the bay window, but I don't see anyone there. I walked over to the living room and I saw Josh watching Scream Queens.

"I didn't know that you like watching girls show?" I teasingly smirked at him.

"It's not a girls show" He responded.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes. "Do you know where Riley is?"

"She's not here. She's out with Farkle"

"Great... Just great" I said, throwing myself to the couch.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked me.

"It's just... Me and Riley haven't spend a lot of time together, and I really miss her" I answered.

"You know... Since you don't have any plans now, we could go hang out together" He offered.

"Yeah, that sounds great" I smiled.

"Alright, let's go" He got up and grab his car keys.

"Where are we going?" I asks, raising an eyebrow.

"It's a surprise" He said and walked out of the door as I followed.

I followed Josh to his car and he opened the door for me, acting like a gentleman.

"Thank you" I muttered.

We both got into the car and Josh drove off with out saying a word.

The drive was filled with awkward silences. Josh turned on the radio and I leaned my head on the window.

Josh cleared his throat. "You look nice" He complimented.

"Thanks" I said.

He keeps driving to some place. I don't even know where. All I know is that we have been driving for about 20-ish minutes.

"Where are we going Josh?" I asked.

"To the beach" He simply replied.

"Okay..." I said confused. "But why?"

"Why?? You don't like going to the beach?" His smile turns upside down.

"No, It's just that if we're just going to the beach, why didn't you tell me sooner??"

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