Chapter 4

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Maya's pov:

It's currently 3.30, which means school's over. I walked out of class and go to my locker and opened it. I grab my wallet and put it in my backpack.

"Hey Maya" Bradley said as he walked to his locker, which is next to mine.

"Hey" I replied and he smiled.

"So, what're you doing later?" He asked and opened his locker.

"I don't know. Probably going to Riley's place, but I really don't want to see someone there" I tell him.

"You mean that 'uncle Josh' guy?" He raised his eyebrow. "You know it's kinda weird that you have a crush on an old man"

"Huh?" I asked, completely confused.

"You know, Riley's uncle. He's probably like a 30 year old man right?" He said and I laugh.

"Clearly you didn't know, but actually Josh is 20. His parents have him late" I explained.

"Oh... Now it make sense" He said and I close my locker.

"Well, since you don't want to see that 'Josh' guy, why don't we hang out?" He asked.

"Sure" I replied. "Where do you wanna go?"

"I don't know. Well since I just moved to New York, why don't you show me around?" He suggested.

"Sure, but can we eat first? I'm starving"

"Okay, you know a great place to eat?" He asked.

"We could go to Topanga's" I suggested.

"Okay, let's go" He said as he shuts his locker and then grab my hand.

We both walked out of the school and Bradley led me to his car. He opened the door for me, acting like a gentleman.

"Thank you" I muttered. We both got into the car and Bradley started driving to Topanga's and I kept getting this crazy, weird feelings in my stomach.

It's like the feeling you get when you go down a really big water slide or a roller coaster.

We started singing to some music. We listened a lot to Taylor Swift. I could totally tell that he hates her, but I guess that's what you get when you're stuck in a car with me.

We were listening to one of Taylor Swift's song called 'How You Get The Girl', until Bradley stop his car.

"Finally!" he said, laughing.

"Oh c'mon, Taylor Swift isn't that bad" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Whatever, I'm just glad it's over" He said as he got out of the car and opened the door for me. Bradley held my hand and we got inside.

"I'm gonna go order for us okay?" He said and I nodded. He went in the line and I searched for a place to sit. Until I spotted someone.

Josh's pov:

"I hope you'll enjoy the summer program" Sophie said.

"Yeah, and I hope we can enjoy some of it together" I said to Sophie

"Well, I'm sure I'll see you around" She chuckled.

"Wait a minute, um, I thought-" I said nervously.

"What?" She cuts me off.

"I thought we were kind of getting along. I mean, weren't you smiling a lot at me and stuff?" I nervously said.

"I'm a tour guide, Josh. It's my job to be nice to freshman kids" She stood up and when she was about to walk off, I grab her wrist.

"Sophie, Sophie, um I thought we connected pretty well."

"I'm a junior, Junior. I got a couple years on you don't I?" She tells me.

"What's three years? You think three years matters at our age?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I do" She replied and then walked away.

I watch Sophie walked away. But before she walked out of the door, she turned around and smiled at me. I ignored it and try to look anywhere but her, until I spotted a girl with blonde hair and crystal blue eyes. Oh shit. She saw that didn't she?

"Maya?" I exclaimed, feeling guilty.

"She pulled the three-years-older thing on you, huh?" She said and sat down on the chair in front of me.

"Yeah yeah. I really put myself out there" I pretended to chuckle.

"You okay?" She asked me.

"Hurts doesn't it?" I looked at her.

"A little bit, yeah" She replied.

And then a guy with dark hair and dark brown eyes holding a tray of food came towards us.

"Hey Maya, let's go" He said to Maya and she stood up.

"See you around Josh" She said to me and walked away.

What the hell was that?!

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