Chapter 15

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Maya's pov:

After a five, long miserable hours in a cramped up airplane, we finally arrived at San Fransisco.

It is currently 2 am and we were all basically half a sleep in the lobby while Mr Mendes explained the room situation and then we all went up to our room. Riley immediately falls to sleep in her bed, while I'm just on my phone, scrolling my Instagram timeline. It's hard to go to sleep when you're already attached to your phone.

I decided to scroll on Pinterest until I get tired. I scroll on my Pinterest timeline looking at cool eye make up and cute outfits. I put my phone back on the table before finally getting some sleep.


After taking a few hours of sleeping, I forced myself up, I look to the bed next to mine and I noticed that Riley is still a sleep. I feel really disgusting, so I decided to go into the shower.

As the hot water brushes against my skin, my thoughts immediately drift off to Josh. I can't believe that he actually believed Missy. I mean I loathe her so much, but I would never send her nudes to the whole school. If he truly loves me he would've believe me.

I spend half an hour in the shower thinking about Josh. I really need to work on shorter showers. I walked out of the showers and brush my teeth, wash my hair and fix my hair before getting dressed in a cropped knit sweater and a skater skirt.

"Hey Riles" I say as I walked out of the bath room.

"Hey Maya, tonight all of the kids are going to a club since we have a free day today. We should totally come" Riley said, really excited.

"Yeah I know, but you do know that we all leave at ten, right?" I asked her, making sure she know.

"We leave at ten?!" She said, completely shocked. "Nope, I'm not going"

"Come on Riles, it's gonna be fun" I begged her.

"Maya, it's not just past my curfew, it's also past my bedtime" Riley told me and I rolled my eyes in response.

"Riles c'mon live a little"

"Fine" She finally give in. "But if something goes wrong, we're leaving"

"Okay" I agreed "Now, let's go shopping"

Riley immediately go take a shower while I call an uber for us. About 10 minutes later, Riley was finally ready. She was wearing a floral dress with a cream cardigan. We both went downstairs and the uber was already here.

When we got to the mall, the uber dropped us in the lobby.

"So where do you want to go first?" Riley asked me.

"Top Shop" I answered.

I led the way to Top Shop, Riley relaxing slightly when she noticed only a few people currently inside. We hoped it would stay that way and not get crowded, which would most likely cause us to be longer there.

"What do you think of this?" Riley asked, holding a weird yellow mustard dress and I gave a thumbs down in response.

"So that's a no on the dress?"

"Yeah" I chuckled.

"What about this?" Riley asked, holding a white long sleeve crop top with a leather skirt.

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