Chapter 9

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Bradley's pov:

I held Maya's hand and we walked inside together.

We walked into the big hall. The hall was beautifully decorated with hanging stars and glitter streamers and confetti covered the floor.

"Umm... Let's go get some punch" I said and we walked over to the buffet table and poured each other a drink.

"Cheers" we clunked our cups and sipped the red sweet liquid.

A slow song came on. I knew the song right away, 'This is What it Takes' by Shawn Mendes.

"May I have this dance, milady?" I asked as I bowed and held out my hand. She smiled and took my hand.

We turned to face each other and I put my hands around her waist. She took her two hands, locked her fingers together and slipped them behind my neck.

"Hey Maya" I said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" She responded.

"Thank you for coming to the dance with me" I smiled at her.

"I'm really glad I came with you" She said and rested her head on my shoulder as we continued dancing.

We began dancing again and blended in with the other students dancing. Everything is perfect, nothing could go wrong. I looked at Maya who was smiling shyly at the ground.

Each time I look at her beautiful smile, I stop breathing for a second. I think I might be falling for her. She haven't left my mind since that night. Every time I see her, I got this crazy feelings, that no one could ever make me feel like that. I don't know what makes me feel like that. Maybe it was her laugh, or her crystal blue eyes, or her smile. It could've been her voice or her personality. Whatever it was, it made me fall pretty damn hard.

The DJ starts playing some dance music and everyone starts to dance. Maya go to take some pictures with Riley and Smackle. I make my way to the punch, pouring myself a cup.

"Hey Brads" Lucas and Farkle greeted me.


"So what's going on between you and Maya?" They asked me, suspicious.

"What do you mean?"

"Cut the act Bradley, we all see the way you look at her. You totally love her" Lucas said.

"Well, she don't feel the same way. She obviously still loves Josh" I said, looking to the ground.

"We don't know that. The only way to know how she feels, is to ask her" Farkle tell me.

"What are you saying?" I asked her, completely confused.

"Ask her out dude!" Lucas said, excitedly.

"Dude! There's no way I'm doing that!" I shouted.

"Oh c'mon what could go wrong. I mean sure she might say no, but what if she say yes." Lucas smirked at me.

"Fine" I said and walk away, to find Maya.

I walked down the hallway, trying to find Maya. I go to her locker and she wasn't there. But I found her at the dance floor.

"Oh my God Bradley! You gotta dance with me!! It's my favorite song" She said as she pulled me to the dance floor to dance to 'Here's to never growing up' by Avril Lavigne.

"Maya I gotta tell you something" I blurted out.

"What's wrong Bradley?" Her smile turned upside down and I pulled her to an empty hallway, so that nobody could hear or see us.

"I like you Maya" I blurted out.

"What?" She looked completely confused.

"And I really really want you to feel the same way" I nervously laughed.

"I do" She simply said.

"So..." I held both of her hands. "Maya Penelope Hart, will you do me the honor and become my girlfriend?"

"Yes, you dork" She hugged me tightly.

Best Day Ever!!

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