Chapter 7

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Maya's pov:

"Oh my God! It's beautiful!!" Riley squealed. "Tell me every single detail about it!!" Riley squealed, again.

"Well, there's white lacing on the neckline and the sleeves, and has a pink bodice that has swirly patterns on it and a corset lacing at the back" The worker explained as she pointed to each part of the dress.

"Oh my God! That dress!" She squealed as she ran to a pink long dress that had sparkles on it.

I rolled my eyes and walked around to see if there's any dress that I like.

I was skimming through the dresses and I saw this dress that caught me eyes. It was a high low blue dress. It has a princessy kind of pattern on the dress.


"Oh my god!" I mumbled, jumping when I heard Riley screams behind me. "You scared the heck out of me" I added.

"Sorry" She said innocently. "So what do you think of these dresses??" She asked while showing me all of the dresses she was holding. I think it's about 10 dresses.

"It's just one dance Riles, you don't have to buy that much" I said, smirking at her.

"I know, but I'm just so excited!" She squealed, excitedly.

"Why aren't you excited?? I mean you're going to the dance with Bradley Steven Perry! One of the hottest guy in school!" She said and I rolled my eyes in response.

"Unless you didn't want to go with Bradley" Riley said, out of no where.

"What are you talking about Riles? Of course I wanted to go with Bradley" I said, still confused at what Riley said.

"What about Josh?" She said, which makes me more confused.

"What about him?"

"Do you still like him?" She said with a serious expression.

"You know Riley, I think that dress looks perfect on-"

"Don't even try to change the conversation Maya" She said cutting me off. "What happened that night Maya?"

"Nothing, he's three years older than me Riles" I answered, simply.

"Why do you suddenly care about the age gap Maya? It's just three years Maya. What's three years in the history of love?" Riley told me.

"Love? Are you saying I'm in love with Josh?" I said with my eyes wide open.

"I see the way you look at each other Maya"

"Look, maybe I'm not a romance maniac like you, but I know what I feel" I told Riley.

"No you don't Maya. Why don't you admit that you're in love with him?!" She said, raising her voice.

"Because I'm not!" I sighed deeply. "I don't even know what love feels like"

"I'm sorry Maya" Riley put her hand on my shoulder. "I should've never brought Josh up"

"It's fine" I smiled at her.

"So, you and Bradley huh?" Riley smirked at me.

"He's a great guy" I smiled, blushing like crazy.

"Hey, I think you should wear this dress for the dance tomorrow" I said, trying to change the conversation.

And yeah, the dance is tomorrow. And just like always, me and Riley waited last minute.

"Oh my god! That's so pretty!! I'm gonna go try it on!!" She said, taking the dress from me and running to the fitting room.

I walked to the other side of the store, trying to find a dress for the dance, but I keep looking back to that blue dress. I walked back to the dress and take it to tried it on. I walked to the fitting room and it fit perfectly. Yazz!!

I walked outside the fitting room and waited for Riley. I unlocked my phone and go to my Instagram. I saw Lucas posted a picture of him, me, Josh and all of his cousins.

 I saw Lucas posted a picture of him, me, Josh and all of his cousins

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@Lucazzz : We are a strange bunch 😹💩👻

And all of the sudden, I started thinking of Josh. God I miss him. STOP. Stop thinking about him. He's just a fantasy.

"Maya!" Riley screams.

"Shit!" I mumbled, jumping. "Stop doing that!"

"Maya!!! They don't have my size!!" She whined.

"Ha! Fattie!" I teased her and she gave a death glare.

"Maya!!! I really like that dress!!!" She started to cry.

"Okay... Okay... Don't cry. We'll find another dress okay" I said, trying to calm her down.

We started to find another dress. I was skimming through through the dresses and then Riley ran away to a pretty off the shoulder dress.

"Hi, excuse me" Riley said to the worker. "Do you have this in my size?"

"Ah! Yes we do. Wait here, let me get the other size. Oh, and what color the necklace do you want?" The worker asked.

"What necklace?" Riley asked, confused.

"You see, this dress come with a free necklace" The worker told her.

"A free necklace!!" Riley squealed. "I'll take the black one"

"Okay, wait here" The worker walked away to get the dress.

A few minutes later Riley tried on the dress and it fit perfectly. We both went to the cashier and pay for the dresses and the heels. I bought a white strap heels and Riley bought a black heels.

Today was a success shopping day.

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