Chapter 11

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Maya's pov:

I went to school really confused. What happened between me and Josh kept swarming my mind. Should I tell Bradley?? I mean he deserves to know, but I don't want to make anything complicated. Everything is perfect between me and him, and I don't want to ruin that.

"Hey Maya! I'm so sorry that I cancelled yesterday!! I just can't say no when Farkle's giving me that puppy dog eyes!" Riley apologized.

"It's fine Riles" I just smiled and we headed to our locker.

As we reached our locker, I saw Bradley there pulling out his books. Oh shit! Should I tell him??? I really want to, but.... I just can't.

"Hey" I said while opening my locker.

"Hey babe" He said, kissing me cheek.

"Awww... You guys are so cute" Riley squealed and I rolled my eyes in response.

I held Bradley's hand and we walk together to Mr Matthews class. I looked to the floor while walking to my seat. Is it bad that I kept thinking of Josh and what he said to me?

"Maya?" Bradley's soft voice whispered. He sounds worried and sad. I guess he deserve to know the truth.

"Are you okay?" I could see it from his gorgeous brown eyes that he is very worried.

"Can we talk later? I really need to tell you something" I whispered back.

All of the students looked at Mr Matthews who has just came in. He hands all of us a permission slip. Wait, we're going on a field trip?

"Good morning guys. So, the principle just told me that we will have a trip to San Fransisco" Mr Matthews said. Everyone smiled and clapped.

"We're going in exactly three days, we're gonna stay there for a week and we're gonna visit many places, like The Golden Gate, The Coit Tower, and many other cool places"

Mr Matthews started the lesson. He wrote 'Belgium 1981' on the board. Everyone went silent and listen to the lesson, while I kept thinking about Josh. Does he really love me?? Should I believe everything he said??

I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't realized that the bell rang. Everyone got out if the room, including Mr Matthews. There were only me and Bradley left. Bradley held my hand and look deeply into my crystal blue eyes.

"Maya" He whispered. "What is it that you wanted to tell me?"

"Something happened between me and Josh" I blurted out. God that felt good!

"What do you mean" He said as his face started to turn red.

"Yesterday, we hang out together and Josh tells me that he loves me" I said looking to ground. I just don't have the courage to look him in the eye.

"Wait, what?!" His voice raised. "What were you doing with him?!"

"Yesterday Riley cancelled our shopping date, so Josh asked if we could hang out, I thought we were just friends and everything that we used to have is over, so I said yes. But then he told me that he loves me. And I don't know what to do! I'm sorry Brads!" Bradley pulled me into a really tight hug and I hugged back.

"I'm sorry Maya" He said, still hugging me tight. "I shouldn't have shouted at you"

"It's fine" I said and let go of the hug.

"Okay so now let's have a deal. No matter what happened, even if it's really bad, just please promise me that we will tell each other everything. No secrets"

"I promise"

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