Chapter 24

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Lucas's pov:

Here I am standing in front of Paris's Berelc door. We're going on a date tonight. I know I shouldn't be doing this. I still love Maya, and even tho Paris is extremely beautiful, I just can't get Maya out of my mind.

I rang the doorbell and her sister, Sasha opens it.

"Hey, I'm here for Paris" I said to her.

"Yeah, she's still getting ready. Why don't you wait inside" She said. I nodded and went inside.

"Paris hurry up!" Sasha yelled from downstairs. "Lucas is here!"

And then she went downstairs looking so gorgeous. She was wearing a light pink sweater and high waisted jeans. It was simple, but she still look amazing.

"You look great" I said as her cheeks heat up and turn red.

"Thanks! You don't look to bad yourself" She said, smiling at me.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go. See you later Sasha!" She said as she walked out the door. I walked around and opened the car door for her.

"Thanks" She mumbled and I nodded in response. I walked around to the driver's side and got in. I quickly turn the car on and peeled out of the driveway.

We're going to the movies to see the new Fast and Furious movie. I remember me and Maya watching the previous F&F movie and she thinks that Vin-.

Okay I really gotta stop bringing Maya up in everything.

We finally arrived at the theatre. It wasn't that far, so it only took us about 15 minute-ish.

We walked over to the ticket counter. It was my friend, Clay Jensen that work there.

"Hey man, 2 tickets please" I say to him.

"That'll be $13.65" He tell me and handed me the tickets after I pay.

"Thanks Clay, see you in school" I say to him.

"Yeah, you too"

We walked away from the ticket counter to go to the studio, but then I remembered that I forgot to buy snacks. I mean, you couldn't watch anything without popcorns right?

"I'm gonna go get some snacks, you want anything?" I asked Paris.

"Popcorn and a coke please" She response.

"Alright, coming right up" I said, walking to the snacks bar. A girl with brown hair walked to me. She also goes to my school. Her name is Hannah Baker. We sit next to each other in science. I always shipped her with Clay.

"Hey Cowboy" She greeted. "What can I get you?"

"I'll have two medium popcorns, and two cokes" I said to her.

"So... You're on a date huh?" She said while pouring the popcorn into the box.

"Uhh.. Yeah" I response.

"Congratulations Cowboy! I always knew that there's something going on between you and Maya" Her words makes me feel kinda awkward.

"No Han, I'm not going out with Maya, I'm going out with Paris" I tell her.

"Paris? You mean Paris Berelc?" She asked me kinda sounds surprised.


"Oh. Sorry I just thought that you and Maya had a thing" She said.

"We used to, but now she's dating my uncle" I said to her.

"Your uncle? The one that's the mayor of stupid town?" She asked sounded really confused.

"No no, my other uncle. The one that came with us to San Fransisco" I tell her.

"Oh, your hot uncle. Yeah, I remember" She said. "That's too bad, I always shipped you with Maya"

I rolled my eyes at her comment, "Well I always shipped you with Clay"

"Alright, here's your popcorns and cokes, it'll be $11.75" She said.

"Here you go" I handed her the money and grab the foods. "See you in school,

I walked back to where Paris is standing, and handed her her popcorn and coke.

We went inside the studio and we just sat there and watch the movies, well obviously that's what you do when you're in a theatre, but when you're on a date, you're supposed to hold her, you're supposed to kiss her, you're supposed to feel the sparks. But nothing!

I felt nothing

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