Chapter 5

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Maya's pov:

After that little talk with Josh, Bradley and I took a seat on an empty table. I saw Josh walked away, and he turned to face me before he walked out of the door. I pretended that I don't see him and just keep eating my french fries.

"So that's Josh, huh?" Bradley said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah" I sighed and nodded.

"You okay?" He asked me, concern.

"I'm fine, but can we not talk about him, please" I said to him.

"Of course" He smiled. "So, where do you want to go after this?"

"We could go to Central Park Zoo if you want" I replied.

"Yeah, that sounds great" He agreed and took a bite out of a burger.

After awhile, we finally finished our food. Bradley quickly stood up and get out of the door. He said that he will go get his car first. I think it's really sweet of him to do that because he don't want me to walk. Even tho it's not that far.

I was scrolling through my Instagram, until I received a call from Bradley.

"Hey I'm outside"


I ended the call and walked outside. I spotted Bradley's car and he drove in front of me. I quickly got in and he started driving to the Central Park Zoo.

"Come one, Brads. Hurry up!" I practically squealed as we walked from the car towards the zoo entrance.

"Can you hear that? I think it's the monkeys" Bradley just smiled at my excitement.

"Or maybe it's the gorillas" Bradley said and I giggled at him with a wide smile on my face as we walked through the entrance gates of the zoo.

"Let's go see the monkeys first, shall we?" Bradley nodded his head and chuckled as he let me tug him along.

Bradley's pov:

We explored every part of the zoo for the next few hours. Visiting reptiles and birds after the monkeys and gorillas. Maya giggled every time she got over excited about the animals and I just smile at her cuteness, admiring how much of a child she really was from time to time.

"Do you want to go see the penguins now?" I questioned as we walked away from the lions, wrapping my arm around her waist.

"Sure" She mumbled, leaning her head on my shoulder.

We walked around the sea life area of the zoo. Pointing at the weird creatures in the water as well as getting to touch the star fish. We both keep walking until we saw the penguins.

"Oh my god they're so cute!!!!" She basically screamed.

"You're so adorable, you know that right?" I smiled at her and she gives me a goofy smile on her face.

It was getting dark, but we both are still at the zoo, watching the penguins. We were talking and laughing together, Until I heard Maya yawned.

"You tired?" I asked her quietly and she nodded.

"Alright let's go" I grab her hand but she didn't move.

"I'm too tired to walk" She whined and I just rolled my eyes in response.

"Alright, hop on" I tell her.

"Yay!" She cheered and hop on my back. I carry her while walking out of the zoo and headed to my car.

I drive to her house to drop her off and she keep staring at the window and zoned off. Wow, she did that a lot. It's the second time today.

We finally arrive at her house. I got out of my car and opened the door for her and I walked her to her front door.

"I had a really great time today, thanks Bradley" She thanked me and kissed me on the cheek.

"I had a really great time also. I'll see you tomorrow at school" I told her and she nodded.

"Goodnight Bradley" She smiled at me.

"Goodnight beautiful" I kissed her cheeks and walked back to my car.

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