Chapter 22

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Riley's pov:

This midnight I'm going to turn 16. So, my parents wanted to make it grand. My friends had organized the whole party. Even my dress which is really beautiful was chosen by Maya.

"Alright people, listen up!" Maya said through the microphone, getting everyone's attention. "It's going to be twelve o'clock midnight in a few second"

"Which means Riley is turning sixteen!" Everyone shouted 'wooo' when Maya said that. "So let's start the countdown from 10!"

Everyone started counting, "10, 9, 8, 7, 6 ,5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy Birthday Riley!"

Maya's pov:

We were all gathered around to sing happy birthday for Riley. Everyone was clapping and singing but my eyes only focused on Lucas. Is it bad? I mean I have Josh now, but something inside just don't feel right. He noticed me staring at him, so I quickly looked away.

Riley makes a wish and blow the candles. The first cake was for her mom, her second cake was for her dad, and her third one was for me!!

The DJ starts playing some dance music and everyone starts to dance. I make my way to the punch, pouring myself a cup.

"Hey" Josh says from behind me and I jump.


"Wanna dance?" Josh asked me.

"Sure" I say setting my cup down on the snack table, letting him lead me to the makeshift dance floor.

I dance with Josh, breaking a sweat before a my favorite song comes on. It was Over and Over Again by Nathan Sykes. He wraps his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck.

"Have I told you, you look really beautiful tonight?" He asked, looking deeply into my crystal blue eyes.

"About a million times" I chuckled as my cheeks started to heat up and turned red.

"Well just to remind you, you look perfect tonight" He said.

It should've been been magical. Just me and him on the dance floor. But I was miserable. Because less than twenty feet away from me was Lucas. My Lucas! With Paris Berelc! They were laughing! it hurts because he looks happier with her.

"Hey guys!" Riley greeted while walking towards us. "Josh, do you mind if I steal Maya for a sec?"

"Sure" He replied.

Riley grab my wrist and dragged me to some place that aren't crowded.

"Riley what the hell?!" I said, basically yelling at her.

"Don't what the hell me young lady!" She spoke back. "Why are you staring at my brother if you're already with my uncle"

"God that sounds weird" She added.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, completely clueless.

"I saw you Maya.." She said. "I saw the way you were looking at Lucas"

"Look Riles-"

"You're coming with me" She said cutting me off.

"Not again" I said before she dragged me to somewhere.

Riley hold my arm so tightly, so I wouldn't try to run away. She stopped and look around, searching for someone. Then she dragged me again to where Farkle is.

"Farkle, you have to fix this!" Riley said, making him startled.

"What's wrong?" Farkle asked.

"I just caught Maya staring at Lucas all lovey-dovey. I swear there were cartoon hearts and unicorns circling her head!" Riley said, really overreacting.

"Maya is that true?" Farkle asked me.

"I don't know" They both looked at me, not believing what I said. "Okay maybe there was, like, one unicorn-"

"There were multiple unicorns!" Riley said cutting me off.

"Alright we all just need to calm down a little bit, mostly Riley should calm down" Farkle tell us.

"Maya do you still like Lucas?" Farkle asked me.

"No. It's just that" I paused. "I saw Lucas with Paris and.. I don't know"

"Wait, you're jealous?!" Riley said, basically yelling at me.

"No! I just got this weird burning feeling in my chest when I saw Lucas with another girl"

"Yeah. That's jealousy" Riley told me.

"And Maya, this shows that you still have feelings for Lucas" Farkle added.

"Yeah, maybe you're right" I sighed. "I really thought that I had swept this feelings that I have for Lucas under a rug. But now there's just this big, dusty, like rug bump of feelings"

"Then you take that rug out and you beat it with a stick!" Riley shouted at me.

"Okay, baby you really need to calm down" Farkle tells Riley as he wrapped his arms around her.

"I just have to shut those feelings down for good, that's all" I said.

"You can't" Farkle tells me.


"What you have with Lucas is real" Farkle tells me again.

"What do you mean?" I asked him completely clueless.

"You love him, Maya" He paused. "And he loves you"

And I just stand there like a ghost, thinking of what Farkle just said. Maybe he's right. But what about Josh?

"You can't tell anybody" I tell him.

"We will unless you do" He spoke back.


"Because we don't lie to each other Maya" He said.

"You're right.. This is all very hard for me and maybe I just need some time" I tell him.

"We're always here for you Maya" Riley finally speaks.

"Hey Maya" Josh said, walking over to us. "I was looking everywhere for you"

"Sorry" I said, faking a smile.

"You want to go home now?" He asked.

"Sure" I said and he grabs my hand. We walked over to the exit, and before we walked out, I looked at Lucas once more. His eyes were crashing into my eyes. And in that moment I knew..

I was royally fucked.

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