Chapter 10: Training

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Chapter 10: Training

Alastor's POV

As soon as I washed my face, I went to where Amelia was. I wondered what her room would be like. I imagined there would be hanging frogs, cauldrons with suspicious substances inside. But things were quite different compared to my expectation.

Right now I was sitting in a completely pink room filled with girly ornaments and accessories. I guessed it would be normal to see a little girl like Amelia in such a room. But when you knew about Amelia's reputation, being here brought a certain unsettling creepiness in this kind of place .

Since I had no elemental affinities, Amelia could teach me Soul magic as she was also a practitioner of the art with both necromancy and soul magic. While the first lesson with Amelia would be about some basic spells during battle, it came to Amelia's attention that my body was quite different since she could not sense any mana from me. And so she was stuck in a dead end as she had no idea what I could do.

Nonetheless, it seemed that no one was aware of the existence of the Abyss and the souls of the demon lords inside it. I guessed it would be better to keep it a secret from everyone. The more information the enemy got on me, the less elements of surprise I got on them. I could not risk talking to someone close only for it to be reach the enemy's ears.

Later that day, when I talked with Belz in my dream, I realized that the reason I did not have any mana in my body was because I was unconsciously using a small version of <Devour> continuously for the last seven years ever since I met Belz. And because of my inexperience, I ended up absorbing my own mana and things surrounding me.

But the quantity of mana absorbed was very low and slow so that was why no one detected it. Nonetheless, Belz taught me a few more things about his abilities. First, <Devour> could only absorb incorporeal object such as mana. Any physical object would be disintegrated and converted into mana, such as the Mikael's arm I consumed. Secondly I could now use <Release> to discharge the mana absorbed into another object or myself. Thirdly the ability I used against Mikael and the celestials was called <Black Hole>. Unlike <Devour>, this would obliterate everything in its path, turning all into nothingness. I should be careful to use this.

As for Asmodeus, I found out that I was lucky during the village attack as there were only common soldiers. Because of my low level of power, <Absolute Authority> would only work on someone much weaker than me or with a very weak mental of mind. But it did not mean not the skill was useless against powerful opponent. While I might not be able to control their whole body, with training I could try to control only one part like removing their sight.

Asmodeus also recommended me to seek out others demon lords wandering the Abyss. This would increase my arsenal and I could discover some powerful combinations of skills. Still she warned me that not all demon lords would be as welcoming as her and Belz so I must be careful.

At first I tried to go back to the depths to see the mysterious knight. I felt a bond with him the last time I saw him even though we have only met once. Perhaps he could teach me some of his skills. But the door was shut still. After several attempts, I gave up.

I decided to see Belphegor as I already knew him.

"Hi there!" I saluted him.

".... What?" he answered with disinterest.

"Could you give me your power?" I smiled at him widely.

"...No!" he said abruptly.


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