Chapter 57: Millennium Regiment

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Chapter 57: Millennium Regiment

"Remember everyone! Don't come close to the mist or it will kill you!" Loo shouted.

"Then how do we kill those things?"

"Like this!"

Chief Loo took out his weapon: a chain with a weight at one end and a scythe at the other. He swayed the weight while holding on the chains before launching it at the arm of one of the monsters. With the chain restricting its movement, the rat beastman pulled the monster from the cloud toward him. Grabbing the scythe, Loo jumped up and plunged it into the beast's eyes, making it shrieking in pain. With its curved blade, he pulled the scythe out and lacerated its head. Holding its decapitated head, he jumped down from its body and turned back to the group.

"That's about the gist of it. Just lure them out of the smoke and then fight it normally. Any question?"

"Holy shit, that's amazing!" Lucas shouted excitedly. The monster that would normally take thirty men to deal with fell so easily to the smallest beastman he ever saw.

"Hohoho, size doesn't mean everything as long as you have the right technique." The rat beastman proudly said.

"Oh please, don't try to trick the young ones. That monster is the smallest out of all of them out there. Look at the one over there! I will take it on! AAAAARRRR!" chief Gon screamed his battle cry and ran toward a giant beast.

"Hey Gon wait!...Damn it old geezer just want to show off his strength. Chief Loo, please go after him! The rest of you, stay in group of two or three! Make sure to stay clear of the mist! As long as the evacuation is still on, we can't let any of them get into the camp. Good luck!"

"Yes sir!"

* * *

"Oh dear, look at those hopeful eyes! Such determination, such courage! I wonder what could they possibly thinking right now? Do they really think that they would get out of this place alive?"

"That just makes thing much more interesting. It would be boring if the prey doesn't resist. Hahaha!"

"I can understand that. Let's play a game, shall we? Whoever kills the Champion first gets to kill the rest. What do you say, Aldol?"

"Game on!"

* * *


Viviana cast a row of sharp stones surging from the ground and impaled a monster. Despite being critically wounded, the beast was still simmering and charged toward the girl in four legs. Because of the transformation, the once noble elf has lost all his sense of pain. Now all that remained in its mind was the desire to kill, to feast.

Enti, with his light speed, blocked the charge, holding on the beast's head with his bare hands and standing his ground. Using that momentum, Lucas jumped on the beast back from behind and plunged his sword into its head. But the beast wasn't dead yet. Summoning Yggdrasil, Viviana raised tree vines from the ground and bind it.

"Everyone get away! <Sun Beam>"

Hearing it, Lucas and Enti immediately jumped back to avoid the bursting beam of light coming from the sky, burning the monster to crisp.

" *heavy breathing*is everyone alright?" Viviana gasped for breath. Throwing a series of spells way above her actual level was exhausting her body to its limit. But that wouldn't stop the girl from continuing. She must persevere. Everyone was counting on her after all.

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