Chapter 77: Echo of the past

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Chapter 77: Echo of the past

With everyone dispersed and Diablo being carried away by his henchmen, the serpent woman approached the demon child who has just acted like a complete tyrant toward his followers, for a good reason but still questionable.

"That was an inspiring message you just sent, milord! Truly worthy of the king of our kind!" the lamia bowed to Alastor.

"You...I remember you. Martel, was it? You were the only one who spoke out for me earlier. What do you want?" Alastor uttered, posing his head on his clutch resting on one side of the throne.

"Only to pay my respect for the heir of Lord Asgore's legacy and to swear my allegiance to you!" the serpent asserted.

"And here I thought all the demons are supposed to swear allegiance to the demon lord already. Am I wrong in thinking that?" asked the boy.

"In theory yes but there are two problems. First of all, you have not officially declared yourself as the demon lord, leaving a certain doubt in the heart of the others. Secondly, there is a different between swearing allegiance to you directly and how people thought it was. By forcing them to take an Oath, you can make sure that none of your followers can ever plot anything against you." Martel explained.

"That sounds like a slavery pact..." Alastor thought out loud, closing his eyes.

"It's basically one." Martel replied.

"Then I won't need it. If peace is based on fear and pacts, it won't last long. I want to change the idea of the people, not forcing them into it."

"Didn't you do that just now? To force people against their will?"

"..." Alastor flinched his eye at the women who seemed to have discovered something very interesting about her lord.

" have something else in your mind." She playfully jested.

"..What do you mean?" the demon lord asked.

"Unless the tyrant is not a tyrant at all." The lamia smiled at the boy. "You did that on purpose, didn't you? Using Diablo as an example, you tried to make yourself appear as a despot. A desperate and unwise strategy that may force others to follow you in the beginning but not for a long term.

However, we can look at this from another view. If the person in question doesn't intend to be king for a long time but instead will put someone else in his replacement, this course of action will allow a much better and smoother transition of the throne for the successor as many were already discontent with you.

Did I get that right?"

"...Who are you really?" asked the boy with an unhappy expression. His plan has just been unveiled by this woman. Indeed, just like she said, Alastor has deliberately tried to demonstrate his cruelty to instil fear into the demons. That would assure Morrigan's plan for peace would go smoothly for now until he found a replacement that would 'rescue' the demons from his tyranny.

"My name is Martel, Consort of the Lamias. I used to serve your father in the past until he...passed away." Martel stuttered. For a moment, Alastor could see the anguish shown through the woman's expression. Just like when he asked about his father from Mephisto or any of the royal demon guard, they all shared a certain sadness, regret for their lord. After all, they were all loyal servants who weren't there if not to save their master then at the very least to die with him. Only, Martel was somehow different. Somehow, for an unknown reason, in that short moment of her true self, the boy could feel that there was something more in her words, a feeling much more profound than just a loyal servant's grief for her master, something tender and deep. Alas, it passed by like a swift wind and Martel has already regained her composure before resuming. "I failed in serving him until the end. But I vow that I will do everything I could to protect his descendants, to serve them as I once served my former lord."

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