Chapter 86: To live is to die

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Chapter 86: To live is to die

Following the man inside, the horror hidden behind these walls finally began to uncover itself. The front room, where the shopping area and the counter resided, was just a façade, a mask, an illusion that might perhaps satisfy at most the curiosity of the idiots out there while anyone with a common sense would have noticed the strange things happening surround this place.

It was only when you were inside the building that you were able to see how big this place was, mostly because it had an entire underground level that was as twice as large as the ground floor and three upper levels.

Down in the basement lied the cells where the 'pigs' were being kept. Inside those small dog cages were the many humanoid demons, not that different from the cultists jailing them. Naked without an inch of cloth on their body, the demons shrivelled like an injured animal waiting to be slaughtered. The fear and the cold have left them numb, but mostly it was because of the drug they were subject to. It made them unable to think, stripped them of all wills to resist while keeping them conscious enough to feel the pain that was being inflicted to them. Have you ever thought about it? That taste of ultimate despair, being tortured to death all while being unable to lift a finger? The agonies they must go through were too much for some as they begged for the swift release of death. And among all those poor souls lied a brown haired girl who was crouching herself in a foetal position in her cage. With tears pouring out of her lifeless eyes, she waited...waited to be way or another.

"So this is tonight' sacrifice? Quite a deliciously looking bitch!" a cultist pointed at a half unconscious Tasha. This disgusting man was drooling and licking his lips as he laid his foul sight upon the innocent girl. "Maybe just a little...."

"Stop! She must remain untouched to be sacrificed to the Almighty God." The man with a tattooed face, the one who caught Tasha in that valley, scolded his comrade.

"Fine...I will go find another one then." The cultist grunted.

"...*sigh* Keep it in your pants! The ritual is about to begin."

"Nah don't worry! I will just do a quickie."

Giving up on convincing his lusty comrade, the cultist left the cage area to prepare for the upcoming ritual of blood, or as they called it: the rite of Purification. Calling themselves the cult of Lumen, these bastards have been kidnapping demons from all around the country all while spreading their anti-demon teaching using fearmongering tactic, blaming accidents such as the recent catastrophes as the demons' doing, even going as far as staging some attacks for the same purpose. Their origin was unknown but it was suspicious how quickly this cult spread. It would be understandable for people to have radical ideas after an unfortunate event, blaming demons on everything. However, the problem was in just a matter of days after the catastrophes, these cultists appeared out of nowhere and were now all over the country. They simply were too prepared and too organized for that to be possible, taking in account the resources they would need for their organisation.

From violating maidens to killing children, these heretics would stop at nothing for their profane and fanatic belief. Was there ever a limit to men's treacherous insanity?

Alas, none of that was of importance to Tasha right now. These bastards have stripped her of everything, from her cloth to her consciousness. Being drugged for days, her mind was left blank like a lifeless doll. The once glittering spark of life in those eyes of her that comforted Edward so much was gone. To the men of Lumen, demons were considered as even lower than animals. Therefore they had no right to wear any piece of clothing, leaving Tasha and the prisoners trembling from the cold in the dirty dog cages. But everyone knew it was just a pretext to satisfy their lust.

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