Chapter 83: Falling Incursion

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Chapter 83: Falling Incursion

Eisenheim, Capital of Valhalla

"Oh shit, I am late! Stupid me for oversleeping!"

A knight in heavy blue armor was dashing through the mansion as fast as he could. For the first time in his career, Luvik was late for work. Every day, at sunrise, he would normally be by the side of his master by now and would accompany her till the moment she retired to her chamber at the end of the day. And even then, the commander would sometimes insist on staying right outside her room all night just to make sure nothing would ever happen to the priestess again, especially after the incident with Owen.

However, every human had their limits and Luvik was no exception. Forcing himself to stay up late like that with barely a couple hours of sleep every day all while maintaining a full concentration on his surrounding was too taxing for both the body and the mind of the knight. Luckily, nothing has happened since then and more guards have been sent to protect the mansion so Luvik was put to peace of mind for a bit and perhaps what you would call a slight negligence of his duty, which has led to this lateness.

Still, usually at this time, Cynthia would have just woken up and it has only been a few minutes from the time he was supposed to be there. Surely nothing could have happened during that short moment. As he ran hastily across the halls, alarming all the servants to push aside against the walls thanks to the clacking sound of his armor, Luvik forgot one important detail: he must not enter the room unless Cynthia has given him permission to do so.

Storming inside the room, the knight immediately apologized for his lateness without realizing what he just stumbled upon. "My apologies, milady! I.........*gasp*!!!!!!!!!!!!!" For a moment, commander Luvik of the old Zagon Empire has found himself in heavens. In front of him, an angelic half-naked maiden with nothing covering her upper half was in the midst of undressing herself to change from her sleeping attire to her priestess cloth. The woman has just woken up after all and had barely any time to prepare herself. That was why she warned her knight to stay outside and only when she was done could he enter. Although, one could argue this lateness was deliberate for a certain insidious purpose. But of course, Luvik was too much of an innocent man to resort to that kind of tactic.

"Aiieee!" seeing the knight who was dropping in awe with such a happy face, Cynthia shrieked with perhaps what could be regarded as the most girly voice anyone has ever heard from her, before directly crouching down to cover her upper half. Such a womanly voice was like music to the ears of a humble knight, like the soothing wonderful song of morning birds that woke him up instantly.

"What are you doing here?" she shouted at him.

"I....I just...." The image of the naked maiden has been imprinted in his mind. He would never forget this moment for the rest of his life. "THANK YOU!....No I mean, I am sorry, milady!"

"What are you staring at? GET OUT!"

The priestess used one arm to cover her bosom as she used the other to reach out to a nearby pillow and threw it at the knight, stirring him up from his delusion before he quickly turned away, rushing out of the door with a bright red but ecstatic face.


After Cynthia has changed her cloth and walked out of the room to go to today's meeting with Morrigan and the others as part of the negotiation schedule, during the entire trip to the palace, she didn't say a word to her protector nor did she even look at him once although they were sitting in the same carriage. In Luvik's mind, it was all over. Ever since they met, this was the first time he saw Cynthia so angry at him to the point of refusing to speak to the poor guy. So even someone as philanthropic as a saint like her could be this emotional. In a certain way, that was kind of cute, thought Luvik. But now it was not the time to indulge himself in his fantasy. The situation was as cold sober as one could imagine. He might lose this job he held so dearly. Could it be that this would be the final day he would ever serve his mistress? Was this how things would end between them?

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