Chapter Four - The Lost Boys

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I took in a shaky breath, "Well, were do we start?"

Mage smiled at me, "Well, I think a good place to start is with The Lost Boys."

"The Lost Boys?" I asked.

"The Lost Boys are three brothers. Blaze, the eldest of the trio, has red hair and is about thirteen. Axel is the middle child, he has brown hair and is ten. Nixon is the youngest, he's nine and VERY hyper." Mage explained, "They're called the lost boys because all of them were taken from each other and are trying to find one another. If we can reunite them, then they'll move on."

"Okaaaayy, but how exactly are we going to find them?"

"Well, I've heard that Blaze usually hangs around the classes, most specifically science-y stuff." Mage said.

I raised an eyebrow, "Uh, 'science-y stuff', can you be more specific?" I asked.

Mage shook her head, "No, but I'm sure if I heard them I could remember."

She's only eleven, I guess I can't blame her for not knowing the names of college classes.

"Okay, I can think of Biology, Chemistry-" I started.

"Biology! That's one!" Mage squealed triumphantly.

"There are a bunch of branches of Biology, can you think of which one he is interested in?" Hmm... a ghost that is interested in the study of living thing, that's a little ironic. Although, I guess that makes sense, he must miss his old life.

"Nope, he likes all of them. Maybe you should go to a basic Biology class, or whatever." Mage suggested.

"Wait, you said that ghosts don't usually like to show themselves. Even if I can find which class he's in, he might not even reveal himself to me." I pointed out.

"I've already got that figured out! You see, even when ghosts are hidden to living people, we can still see each other. Well, not so much see as we can sense each other. Some living can still sense us, as well. I'll go with you and look for him as well, also if he sees me, he  might think that you're nice since I'm with you." Mage beamed.

Well, I'm helping out a little ghost girl, what do I have to lose?

"Alright, kid, let's do this."

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